Treasure Hunt (part 1)

Both teams got clue #1 fairly quickly then they spent a lot of time on clue 2 and both decided at the same time to take a penalty for it. White was able to get the clue quickly after the hint was given
7:50pm is on clue 3.
At 9:10 pm the Blue team passes the White Team on clue #6 by asking to go to Kawaga.  White hesitates as they made the mistake of going to Kawaga earlier in the night and didn’t need to.
At 9:35 pm the White Team is still searching for the 6th clue here at camp. They are searching the perimeter of the outside of the office. Blue Team has already returned from Kawaga. They are falling behind.
Around 10:30 pm the Blue Team is on clue #10. They head to the old root cellar where Pavel is dressed up as a clown sitting in the dark humming a tune one would here while riding on a carousel. The Blue Team is intrigued and steps closer.  They are not scared at all. They walk back to their team and ask to go to the ski area where the tubing carousel is stored. They find their next clue. Following close behind is the White Team. They open the cellar door and scream at the top of their young lungs.  They return back to their team and ask the chief permission to head to the tennis courts where we have Halloween every June 30th. There is no clue waiting for them on the tennis courts.
At 10:55 pm the Blue Team staff asks to head to the police station in town. At the carousal they found an Arnie Bolo invitation which was an invitation to a birthday party.  Several of our staff members this summer received invitations from someone they did not know and I gathered these invitations during precamp and took them directly to the local police station.
Around 11:16 pm Blue Staff returns from the police department with their team’s next clue. White Team is just heading to the tubing carousel down by the ski docks.
Approximately 11:30pm the Blue Team is still ahead and on clue #12.  White Team is on clue #11 and has asked to go to the police station.
It’s 12:05am both teams are now on clue #14. We are half way finished.  Who will win? We will uporrow.
Goodnight & Happy Treasure Hunt