Camp Agawak

I wanted to share the following poem written by Michelle. For those of us who’ve been to Agawak we know the longing she expresses.

Michelle  thank you for sharing your beautiful poem with the rest of your camp family.

At Camp Agawak
Where feet sink into early morning grass
And the smell of grilled cheese on Tuesdays teases us as we wait for lunch.
Where Blue Team and White Team fight with every ounce they have.
Into the night anxiously awaiting the next clue. 
Staying up until 4 in the morning because no amount of sleep could ever be more important than
earning a win for the team we’re so devoted to.
It’s learned how to ski around the lake on 2 skis
Then  1
Then no skis at all.
It’s late night runs across the camp for a mini bottle of Mountain Dew.
From one cabin to the next running purely for the sake of being barefoot at night.
It’s Sunday night campfires.
Singing about little bunny Fuen.
On the worn out wooden benches we sit arms wrapped around one another.
Warming our bodies and hearts with love.
The small moments like this make my heart beat with a certain longing for something in my life.
Not for things like early morning grass
Grilled cheese on Tuesdays
Or for late night runs to get soda pop.
Moments like this make me long for family
And a place I know I can call my home away from home.