There’s no better place our campers would rather be on a hot summers day than Camp Agawak. Today was a windy and humid day as campers signed up for their activities, played in Blue Lake and enjoyed games around camp. Our first year campers learned a few traditional Agawak songs including…I’d rather be an Agawak girl than a multi-multi millionaire.
New campers were placed on their respective teams, mascots (youngest campers) on each team were announced, CIT captains were revealed and our day ended with a mighty tug of war. The rain held off long enough for us to finish our Blue and White program which dates back to the early twenties. Agawak’s Blue and White program teaches our campers valuable life lessons such as teamwork, good sportsmanship, tenacity, leadership and so much more. The sisterhood of FIKEY IKUS and UH-UNGOWA is old and runs deep. It is unique, spirited and packed with passion and endless energy. Throughout the summer we will play many fun games including a silent spelling bee, capture the flag, cupcake wars, lip-sync performances, an all-night treasure hunt and much, much more.
Tomorrow is our first round of activities. The weather is expected to be cooler and less humid. No matter the weather….we”ll all stick together at A-G-A-W-A-K….Hooray!