Things To Be Thankful For

There are many things to celebrate and be thankful for as our weekend comes to a close. Our wonderful group of CIT’s returned battlefield tested and champions of the Boundary Waters. They “flew off” the bus Saturday screaming and hugging everyone in sight. It was a successful camping despite some rainy weather. They were all happy to be back on Agawak soil.  Each paddling group wrote a song which they sang at Campfire about their adventures and the ups and downs they encountered along the way. Wide-eyed younger campers listed intently, their imaginations ignited by CIT tales that blur the line between reality and fantasy. The CIT boundary songs not only entertained us but also imparted lessons of bravery, friendship, and resilience. I am very thankful for their safe return. Beyond the songs and stories we share at campfire….a night around the fire brings us closer. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, listening to campfire girls reflect on their personal journeys builds bonds that withstand the test of time.

On Saturday afternoon, it was Kindness Day and competition. Our junior and senior campers triumphed over Chippewa in our inter-camp competition winning five out of the six events. We were happy and thankful to be able to see our Chippewa friends.

Saturday night, the PA group went the distance (literally and metaphorically) by completing the annual Relay For Life event at the local grade school. They took to the track on Saturday night around 7 pm for a 26 mile walk/run which raised money for the American Cancer Association. By 3:30 am they were back at camp nestled in their bunkbeds.When they woke up for Sunday Lazy Breakfast they were walking stiff but nothing that a little Blue Lake swimming, blobbing and tubing could not cure.

This afternoon we assembled for the annual all-camp picture, signed up for another week of fun activities and tubed the lake. It was a picture perfect day with few clouds in the sky. There’s nothing like a relaxing day on Blue Lake to recharge and reset before we go full speed ahead into our second week of second session