Camp Blog

Jul 22, 2024
    There are many things to celebrate and be thankful for as our weekend comes to a close. Our wonderful group of CIT's returned battlefield tested and champions of the Boundary Waters. They "flew off" the bus Saturday screaming and hugging everyone in sight...
Jul 18, 2024
  One of the most cherished aspects of our time spent together is the array of silly and wacky games we play that seem to defy all logic yet brings endless joy to campers of all ages. Messy Mania took center stage Wednesday night after a morning of Blue and White competition and an...
Jul 15, 2024
Our day began watching the CITs skip down the black path to board the bus for their Boundary Waters adventure. They ran through a tunnel of cheers and good wishes sporting braids of all kinds.  For the rest of camp, it was on to a hobo hash breakfast, cabin inspection...
Jul 15, 2024
The first half of our summer has come to a close. For many of us, it's bittersweet having to say goodbye to the friends we've laughed, played, and grown with over the past several weeks. The bonds forged at Camp Agawak are strong, and parting ways is never easy. Our session...
Jul 11, 2024
This past Sunday we had Olympic Day which the campers look forward to every summer! Every year there is a different theme for the 4 teams and this year it was an homage to Taylor Swift’s Era Tour. The teams were Fearless, Reputation, Lover, and Red. They started the day with opening...
Jul 06, 2024
Change Over Weekend and Visiting Day - Everything you need to know.   First session campers leaving on Friday, July 12 Campers taking the bus home will leave camp at 8:30am and arrive at Hawthorne Elementary School, 301 W Hawthorn Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL...
Jul 05, 2024
Hip, hip hooray America was the birthday girl of the day. Thursday morning camper mailboxes were lined with red, white and blue 4th of July parade shirts which campers proudly wore as they danced through the afternoon down the main street of Minocqua. Did you know Minocqua is an island...
Jul 02, 2024
Last night, we played a friendly game of Blue and White....Capture the Flag.  The objective: each team must try to capture the opponent's flag and bring it safely back to their territory, while defending their own flag from being captured. This blend of strategy, teamwork, and...
Jul 01, 2024
On Saturday, campers participated in an all-day Blue and White competition we call Big Games. Campers traveled around in different Blue and White team groups and competed in swimming relays, dodge-ball, kayak relays, kickball, ultimate frisbee. red girl relay, basketball knockout, Newcomb...
Jun 27, 2024
Activities are in full swing and and things are hummin’!! Smiling campers are biking the nature trail, waterskiing on Blue Lake, kicking soccer balls, hitting targets, flipping in gymnastics and creating crafts. Fun echos throughout camp as friendships old and new are...
Jun 26, 2024
Tuesday morning a bright sunny day greeted us after a heavy night of rainfall. Despite the rain, the enthusiasm among campers and counselors remains unshaken. After an oatmeal breakfast it was cabin clean up and then off to morning activities. Campers in dance class are learning...
Jun 22, 2024
Despite intermittent rain on Friday we managed to push through our third full activity day.  A few outdoor activities had to be switched to a rainy day alternate activity however, it didn’t interfere with the fun we were already having. Morning water activities were ...
Jun 19, 2024
Our first activity day started off cloudy and cool. We gathered at the flagpole to celebrate our camper and counselor of the day.   By late morning the sun was shining on our shore. Rookie skiers were up for the first time, swimmers plunged into Blue Lake, sail boats were gliding across the...
Jun 18, 2024
There's no better place our campers would rather be on a hot summers day than Camp Agawak. Today was a windy and humid day as campers signed up for their activities, played in Blue Lake and enjoyed games around camp.  Our first year campers learned a few...
Jun 17, 2024
Our campers are finally here. What an incredible opening day it was. Everyone arrived safely and met their counselors and cabin-mates. We jumped right into Blue Lake for swim tests and tubing. I can tell by all the Agawak smiles around camp that summer 2024 is starting off on the right...
Jun 04, 2024
Bag information:  For those families in the Chicago Area using Camp Baggage Express, below is a reminder of your drop off locations and times. CAMPERS ARRIVING ON JUNE 17 (Rookie 1 campers will put bags under the bus) Baggage Drop Off:  Wednesday June 12    6:00pm...
May 08, 2024
Click below    May Agazine 2024
Apr 15, 2024
This Director's Note is from March and on the inside cover of the Pre-Camp Packet.   Dear Camp Agawak friends and families, With winter losing its grip, spring is right around the corner. I'm looking forward to warmer days, Blue Lake thawing, the completion of our new dining...
Apr 04, 2024
click here for the  2024 April Agazine
Mar 06, 2024
Click here to view the 2024 March Agazine
Feb 20, 2024
  2023 CAMP AGAWAK REUNION Campers and Staff from 2023, join us at the Renaissance Hotel, 933 Skokie Blvd, Northbrook, IL  Sunday, February 25  1:30-3:30 Grab your yearbooks, visit with friends and watch the year in review video   FOLLOWED BY:   2024...
Feb 01, 2024
Click here for the 2024 February Agazine
Jan 02, 2024
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!   Click to read the 2024 January Agazine
Nov 29, 2023
Merry December!   Click to read 2023 December Agazine 
Nov 01, 2023
Happy November!   Please click to read  2023 November Agazine
Aug 09, 2023
The end of an Agawak summer marks the end of a season of warmth and love. I hope the warmth and love you experienced will serve as fuel for our campers and staff throughout the year. I look forward to the start of camp every year, then it finally comes, and while we live fully each...
Aug 06, 2023
The clock is sadly winding down. We realize our summer together is coming to an inevitable end. Put simply....we don't wanna go home. The lake is buzzing with tubers and the waterfront toys are in high demand on this beautiful north woods summer day. Campers are enjoying...
Aug 03, 2023
Hi from Camp Agawak! My name is Caroline Routh and I’m a counselor for the PAs in cabin Y here at camp. It’s my 10th summer at Agawak and my 3rd on staff. This year I am also serving as one of the Blue and White commissioners alongside Jesse Garland and Paige Bordo. We’ve had a...
Jul 31, 2023
Capture the Flag is a classic Blue and White game we look forward to all summer. Did you know the history of Capture the Flag goes back hundreds, even thousands of years? To win, campers must cross into the other team's territory and steal the other team's flag and...
Jul 26, 2023
There’s a certain kind of power that can be felt at Agawak. It's girl power. When we're all together and fully involved there's an undeniable energy that can be seen and felt in the air.    Today, this powerful energy was full-on as we acknowledged...
Jul 23, 2023
The old saying…time flies when you’re having fun, plays itself out at Agawak daily and sometimes into the wee hours of the morning with a Midnight Movie. Last night, after a roaring social with Camp Horseshoe (in Rhinelander) we loaded the buses again and headed into Minocqua to watch...
Jul 19, 2023
Our second oldest age group, who we call the PA's, toured around with their assigned cabins during the evening program on Tuesday. The CIT's are gone until Saturday night so the PA's "take over" for them while they are on their 6 day canoeing adventure near the...
Jul 16, 2023
We enjoyed hosting parents, siblings and grandparents on Saturday for Parents Weekend. The weather was beautiful and campers were excited to reunite with their families. Thanks to everyone for traveling far and near to spend the day with us.  Full season campers took no time transitioning...
Jul 14, 2023
We've had an UNBELIEVABLE last few days with Blue and White Lip Syncs topping off our week. The performance in Happy Camper Hall was one of the BEST lip Syncs I've ever seen. The leadership and teamwork of our mighty CIT's was evident throughout the performance. The energy and...
Jul 11, 2023
We launched into a new rotation of activities this week. Campers scurried off to their activity areas Monday and Tuesday to begin exploring a new craft, sport or water activity. Out on the water, campers were sailing far across Blue Lake and catching tons of fish. Last week, a total of 174...
Jul 09, 2023
On Olympic Day 2023, Horseshoe, Kawaga, Menominee, and Ojibwa came together to compete in a series of games. The theme this summer, chosen by commissioners, Molly Fisher, Annabelle Garelick and Talia Zazove, was north-woods boys' camps. For opening ceremonies, each team...
Jul 08, 2023
It’s hard to overestimate the amount of summer fun that occurs in a single day at Agawak. It’s even a little mind boggling when you take a detailed look into how our daily activities, special events, evening programs, and ordinary moments around camp weave together. Perhaps...
Jul 05, 2023
Yesterday, bright red, white and blue clothing, sparkling headbands, beaded necklaces and decorations could be seen in every direction around morning flagpole.Campers and staff joyfully sang their favorite hip, hip, hooray for the birthday girl of the day.... to the USA! Buses rolled into...
Jul 01, 2023
Halloween is such a fun time of the year, so why not celebrate it at camp?  From the decorations, to hayrides, to the JC1 haunted house, to yummy candy and sugar cookies, campers had a spooktacular Friday evening dressing up in all sorts of funny and creative Halloween costumes....
Jun 29, 2023
  The weather in the Northwoods is always unpredictable. The morning sky can be filled with ominous clouds with plans for a rainy-day schedule and by the time we leave the lodge (or the Todge as some affectionately call it tent /lodge) the sun is...
Jun 28, 2023
This morning we woke up to temperatures in the low seventies and played a favorite Blue and White game....Balloon Battles. Water balloons were filled, launched and captured on bed sheets. Points were awarded for each intact water balloon. Balloons were then hidden beneath the sand at the...
Jun 28, 2023
Music was blaring from KWAK radio station, the sun was shining and our campers were running around the grounds smiling from one activity to another. We finished up our first series of activities and are filled with excitement for what’s in store for our second week....
Jun 25, 2023
What do your children do all day at Camp Agawak? My parents wondered the same thing when I was a camper and counselor here, from 1963-1973. And, they didn’t have great photographs to check daily to find their kids, and make sure they were busy and smiling: Although you have all sorts of...
Jun 23, 2023
Our second oldest age group, backpacks and all, boarded a chartered bus this morning and headed north to Grand Marais, Michigan for the annual PA camping trip. They will canoe and swim in Canadian waters. Most were excited for their new adventure while a few were a tad skeptical. Trying new...
Jun 21, 2023
We're moving Full Speed Ahead at Agawak! Tuesday evening, the picnic tables were filled with veteran campers eager to share their love for their Blue and White Teams; an Agawak sisterhood tradition. New campers were anxiously waiting to open up a special gift wrapped in paper that...
Jun 20, 2023
Camp Agawak had a stellar first day filled with bright sunny skies, smiling faces and warm temperatures.  Staff could be seen jumping up and down while campers poured off the bus and were quickly placed into their cabin groups.    Campers enjoyed an afternoon of swim tests,...
Apr 02, 2023
Please click below for the    APRIL AGAZINE 2023
Mar 06, 2023
Click below for the Agazine   March 2023
Feb 06, 2023
Click below for the Agazine:   February 2023
Jan 04, 2023
Click here for  JANUARY AGAZINE 2023
Dec 12, 2022
Click here for the December 2022 Agazine
Nov 07, 2022
Please click here for the November Agazine 2023     Don't forget Wednesday, November 16th is CAMP AGAWAK SPIRIT DAY!  
Aug 10, 2022
  What an incredible final week we just had! Rather than slowing down at the end, we picked up speed and made the most of every single moment, solidifying friendships and making memories that will carry us through until we're reunited on the shores of Blue Lake. The buses...
Aug 05, 2022
Agawak is special because of the people. From the counselors to the Health Center to the Tango Tower staff to strong Support Staff, Agawak is filled with amazing people who are passionate about camp and what they are doing. Most importantly, everyone has the same goal of giving our campers the...
Aug 02, 2022
The sun is setting earlier, the nights are a bit cooler and we wish we had more time left with one another. Everyday we spend together draws us closer to our camp sisters. The bonds we forge are remarkably strong. We wait ten months for our two months of fun in the woods and we'll continue...
Aug 01, 2022
Sunny days are at Agawak no matter what the weather forecast reads. We sadly said goodbye to our rookies, and are reflecting on what an amazing time we had with these spirited campers. Many came in nervous and unsure and left energized and surrounded by a sea of sisters hugging them. Sunday the...
Jul 30, 2022
Excitement filled the air as the sun rose above Blue Lake this morning. With the water reflecting the trees and a cloudless sky, it was a perfect morning to start off day two of Final Four 2022. Campers awoke from their slumber and swapped crocs for gym shoes, and sleepy eyes with game faces...
Jul 28, 2022
Today began as four great teams. Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio State encircled the flagpole as we sang hip, hip hooray to the camper and counselor of the day. Our Final Four competition is a special tradition in second session and the girls were ready to play!  Each team sat together...
Jul 28, 2022
Even though the world around us continues to whiz by at a dizzying pace, it’s refreshing to be secluded and disconnected on Blue Lake--no TV screens, no iPads, no newspapers, no outside gossip. At camp we create our own world where we can just be...just exist, relax,...
Jul 23, 2022
Today was filled with happiness. Our CITs safely returned from their canoe trip happy and are exhausted but beaming with pride. They will remember this adventure for the rest of their lives. Our color run through camp this morning was a so much fun. Summer (the camp dog) joined in the fun and...
Jul 21, 2022
We don’t count the days at Agawak.... we make the days count!  How can it be Thursday already? Our second session campers are settling in nicely and our full season campers are making sure every moment counts. It's been a busy week of activities, fun special events and of course...
Jul 13, 2022
The smell of hot chocolate lingered in the air early Tuesday morning. Fluorescent orange swim caps filled Blue Lake for our first session Lake Swim. This long-standing tradition demands grit, determination and stamina. Seventy three lake swimmers took off as lifeguards in canoes, kayaks,...
Jul 11, 2022
What a jammed-packed couple of days we have had! Sunday was not our usual lazy breakfast as the OLYMPIC DAY flag was flying high! Ducky did make yummy pancakes to fuel everyone up for the day’s events…just not the made to order kind! Olympic games can’t begin of course without an...
Jul 09, 2022
This morning we enjoyed bagels, bacon and mini cheese omelets before Kindness Day officially kicked off. Kindness Day-is an event highlighting the practice of intentional kindness and its effect on others and self. Agawak Kindness Day helps showcase the commitment we have to foster the core...
Jul 09, 2022
We completed another beautiful Northwoods day with our amazing campers. The day began with oatmeal and breakfast sandwiches and quickly warmed up making conditions ideal for waterskiing, sailing, fishing, canoeing, and jumping into Blue Lake. Hands down you can’t beat Agawak’s stunning...
Jul 05, 2022
Dear Agawak Families,    Due to the devastating events which occurred in Highland Park yesterday it was a rough day for us here. Shortly after returning from a very early morning "sunrise shopping spree" in Minocqua, we heard news of the tragedy which took place...
Jul 02, 2022
Last night, our campers were treated to an event they look forward to as soon as they step off the bus – MIDNIGHT MOVIE! They were woken up at 11:30 a.m.and bus-loads of excited campers headed to a local theater, that Mary arranged to open up late for an exclusive...
Jun 29, 2022
Good evening from Blue Lake!   Laughter and smiles fill the black path as I look out the office window this evening. Campers have enjoyed activities and strengthened bonds with their cabinmates as we enter week two! The days are already zooming by within the blink of an eye! ...
Jun 25, 2022
Good evening from beautiful Camp Agawak!   As the rain dies down and campers get tucked into bed, we are approaching the end of our first week up north! Looking back at the week, time really flew by. We’re on camp time now, where we respond to the ringing of the bell and rarely...
Jun 24, 2022
Each week in our Agalog activity, the writing program at camp, I assign a theme. This first week I have asked the new campers to write about “First Impressions”, to document how they felt when they first walked off the bus into a sea of smiling strangers who would soon become their...
Jun 23, 2022
Anticipation and excitement filled the air Tuesday night as returning campers snacked on rice krispie treats and lemon bars and headed to the upper athletic field for our famous Fiky Ikus and Uh-ungowa reveal. This long-standing tradition is incredibly special and the cheers echoed throughout camp...
Jun 21, 2022
Smiling faces, massive hugs and boisterous staff cheers greeted the first time and returning campers on arrival day. There’s nothing quite as exciting as coming into camp on the first day of camp and being greeted by a mountain of Agawak spirit and enthusiasm. With an entire summer...
Apr 06, 2022
Click below for the newest Agazine.   April Agazine 2022
Mar 11, 2022
Click the link below to read the   MARCH AGAZINE 2022
Feb 09, 2022
Click below for the 2022 February Agazine   FEBRUARY 2022
Dec 30, 2021
Please click below for the 1st edition of the Agazine for 2022   JANUARY AGAZINE 2022
Dec 06, 2021
Hey Everyone!   Click below for the last edition of the Agazine for 2021   DECEMBER AGAZINE 2021
Jul 28, 2021
Ask your girls what they like most about Agawak, and these two things will top the list: Friends and fun. While these takeaways certainly are central to the camp experience, a whole lot more happens in these woods, and in cabins, and on our playing fields. Weeks away from parents and familiarity...
Jul 20, 2021
Sunday was our first campfire of the second session, and the bleachers were filled with dozens of old campers, a sprinkling of new campers and a dedicated and determined staff. The sun was setting, casting a rosy orange glow on Blue Lake, as we all sat – one community – around a...
Jul 16, 2021
There is an old wedding tradition that says the bride should have something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in her shoe. I think those traditions also speak true at Agawak, though we have rocks and sand in our shoes instead of an old coin which stopped...
Jul 14, 2021
What do our campers do all day at Camp Agawak? The answer is: Just about everything. Today, they woke up to a cool morning under a flawless blue sky, with temperatures peaking around 80 degrees by noon.  As I walked the grounds these past few days, my heart felt full of love and...
Jul 10, 2021
So much has changed at Agawak since I started here decades ago -- new cabins, new colorful floating toys on the lake, healthier foods –though the most crucial artery of camp life is unchanged. And that is, the tight bonds of friendship that happen in the woods, off-screen and in real-time...
Jul 05, 2021
Once again, our Agawak dancers were the stars on the 4th of July which had many stellar moments, from chalk drawings to the dunk tank that left many a soaked counselor, to the Slip N Slide, to corn hole, to swimming, to an exciting and close staff-CIT softball game.And, of course, there was food...
Jul 05, 2021
Once again, our Agawak dancers were the stars on the 4th of July which had many stellar moments, from chalk drawings to the dunk tank that left many a soaked counselor, to the Slip N Slide, to corn hole, to swimming, to an exciting and close staff-CIT softball game.And, of course, there was food...
Jul 02, 2021
We are off to the start of a great summer on Blue Lake. The past several days have flown by way too quickly but not without creating some incredible moments together. Overall, the weather has been cooperating allowing campers the opportunity to explore new activities while making new friends with...
Jun 28, 2021
How can it be that so quickly one week has flown by? How can it be that almost instantly, old friends reunite and newcomers feel like part of the Agawak family? Every day, campers old and new are embraced like family members who haven't seen each other in years!  All areas of camp are...
Jun 22, 2021
Hello Agawak Families, We are beyond excited to have Agawak full again with smiles, cheers and happy campers. The massive cheers as the buses arrived could be heard across Blue Lake. The temperatures were a bit lower but spirits were well above average on our first day of our...
May 05, 2021
Click below for the May edition. MAY AGAZINE 2021  
Mar 12, 2021
Click on the link below to see the March 2021 Agazine   March 2021
Feb 03, 2021
Please click on the link to enjoy to the FEBRUARY AGAZINE
Dec 09, 2020
Click here for the last edition of the Agazine for 2020 - DECEMBER AGAZINE
Nov 02, 2020
Click here for the 2020 November Edition of the Agazine!
Oct 28, 2020
Apr 02, 2020
Click below for the    APRIL AGAZINE 2020
Apr 02, 2020
Click below to for the   MARCH AGAZINE
Feb 12, 2020
Please click below to read the February 2020 Agazine.   FEBRUARY AGAZINE 20
Jan 22, 2020
Get Ready for IT!   CHICAGO REUNION When:  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH   1:00-3:00pm Where:  Renaissance Hotel, 933 Skokie Blvd, Northbrook, IL   Please join us for fun, food and FRIENDS!!!     
Jan 06, 2020
Please click below to read the January 2020 Agazine   JANUARY AGAZINE 2020
Dec 05, 2019
Oh, the weather outside is frightful But Camp is so delightful.......   Click here for the December Agazine
Nov 04, 2019
If you've missed out on the last few editions of the Agazine click below to catch up! NOVEMBER 2019   OCTOBER 2019
Oct 01, 2019
Camp Agawak has turned out many many successful and talented campers over it's almost 100 years.  We have also been fortunate enough to be connected with some very talented parents of Agawak campers.  Below are two of these special people and their wonderful articles regarding camp...
Aug 07, 2019
Last night, we hugged one another tightly, said our final goodbyes and watched our birch bark wish-boats float across the swim area. Campers and counselors hugged one another tightly not wanting to let go. There are always tears the last night of camp but this summer there was sobbing. When the...
Aug 06, 2019
Here are the details the bus locations and times for Wednesday, August 7th:   Chicago-Deerbrook Mall, 158 S Waukegan Rd, Deerfield, IL (behind Mall by Joy of the Game)  ETA:  1:45pm Milwaukee--The Menomonee Falls Hotel,  Hwy 100 and Hwy 4:  12:30am...
Aug 04, 2019
  The memories we make at Agawak will live forever in our hearts. Last nights treasure hunt is one memory that will never be forgotten. It began at 7:23 pm and ended at 3:51 am with piercing cheers coming from the Blue Team nestled together in Happy Camper Hall. The White Team was close...
Aug 02, 2019
During the summer season, many people visit camp while it’s in session. Some are alumnae some are colleagues, but most are families who are looking for the right camp to send their daughter to the following summer.I show them around camp; introduce them to lots of campers and...
Jul 30, 2019
The past few days we have been knee-deep in Final Four programming. Our Final Four teams (Penn State, Florida State, Arizona State and Michigan State) battled it out one event at a time. Opening ceremonies on the lower athletic was packed with excited campers, creative banners and tons of...
Jul 29, 2019
Each week the campers can sign up for the Agalog activity I lead, in which they are given various themes to address in their writing for the camp magazine. The themes range from Independence to Friendship to Courage to Passion. Nearly all the articles talk about lessons or experiences the girls...
Jul 27, 2019
    By Iris Krasnow      As our Agawak summer is to rolling into its last weeks, I am observing your girls and remembering how I felt as a young camper at summer’s end. Of course, I felt very sad that I would  no longer be with my friends 24/7....
Jul 24, 2019
Monday and Tuesday were perfect activity days with temperatures in the high 70’s. Our waterfront was buzzing with skiers, snorkelers, sailors and swimmers. Many campers have now passed out of their swim test, reached the top of the tango tower, thrown their first bowl on the pottery wheel,...
Jul 22, 2019
  Over 450 generously sized, made to order pancakes, were served up this morning for lazy breakfast. Campers came to the loge in their pajamas, enjoyed a movie and homemade pancakes. By lunchtime, everyone was signed up for another round of activities and enjoyed a relaxing morning on the...
Jul 20, 2019
Today at Camp Agawak we spent the morning honoring our head chef, Chris "Ducky" Domack.  Ducky has been with Agawak for 25 of Mary's 31 years.  AMAZING!!  There are very few, if any, camps that can boost having the same chef for 25 years and one that is so good....
Jul 18, 2019
From Iris   As parents, what we want most for our children is to learn their lessons well. In school, we encourage them to perfect skills that will form a backbone of learning and experience to bolster them throughout their lives. When I think of everything I know that has paved the...
Jul 15, 2019
  What a packed 24-hours it has been! We greeted bus-loads of second session and rookie campers with lots of hugs and joyful shouts, welcoming both our returning girls and those new to Agawak. We then gathered in Happy Camper Hall, where cabin assignments were announced and...
Jul 14, 2019
At this moment, when the camp is usually filled with the sounds of dozens of laughing girls, there is stillness, except for the gentle rustle of chipmunks on the crusty leaves. There is no clanging bell, there are no groups of girls walking to the dining hall, arms linked, bound so closely, as if...
Jul 13, 2019
Here are the details the bus locations and times for Sunday, July 14:   Chicago-Costco 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview:  check in 8:00am  departure 8:30am Milwaukee--Radisson Hotel Menomonee Falls Hwy 100 and Hwy 4:  10:00am        Please...
Jul 13, 2019
Here are the details the bus locations & times for Sunday, July 14:   Chicago-Costco 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview:  check in 8:00am  departure 8:30am Milwaukee--Radisson Hotel Menomonee Falls Hwy 100 and Hwy 4:  10:00am       ...
Jul 13, 2019
Here are the details the bus locations/times for Sunday, July 14:   When:  Chicago:  check in 8:00am  departure 8:30am Milwaukee stop 10:00am        Where:  Chicago-Costco 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview Milwaukee-Radisson Hotel...
Jul 12, 2019
Here are the details for today's pick up:   When:  Milwaukee stop 12:15pm      Chicago stop:  1:45pm   Where:  Milwaukee-Radisson Hotel Menomonee Falls Hwy 100 and Hwy 41            Chicago-Deerbrook...
Jul 09, 2019
  For those interested in Olympic Day results the win went to the Grateful Dead, followed by the Rolling Stones, Beatles, and Queen. Great fun was had by all. Today was one of those hot muggy summer days that you hope will never end. We woke up early for our annual first session lake...
Jul 08, 2019
By Iris Krasnow     By the time the breakfast bell rang at 8 a.m. this morning I was already, happily, breathless.      The morning began at dawn by taking fresh doughnuts over to our Teepee to the 16 girls who slept their overnight. Under a ceiling of...
Jul 05, 2019
  As we wind down week three the program continues to hum at a rapid pace. We have packed in tons of activities over the past several days and our campers are sleeping well from the energy exerted out daily.  Our 4th of July celebration was hot and humid. One hundred and eighty...
Jul 02, 2019
How can it be that we've been together for over two weeks? You'd never know it by looking around camp. Campers and counselors look like they have been functioning like a family unit for a long time. Of course, just like at home, there are many learning moments for campers who live together...
Jun 29, 2019
  We have packed so much fun into the last few days I don't know where to begin. We celebrated 20 years of Halloween last night.  CIT's sat in the dunk tank while others were smeared with whipping cream as younger campers pied them in the face. Hayrides were given on the back...
Jun 26, 2019
  Yesterday was one of those Agawak days that I wish would never end. The sky was flawless, the weather peaking at 80 degrees. As I walked our grounds, I saw your children everywhere, smiling in the sunshine, and savoring each moment of a day at summer camp.     When I...
Jun 24, 2019
  After a steady week of non-stop activities (hard to believe we’ve been together for a week) we had rain come in last night to close our evening campfire. We sang camp songs around a roaring fire, listened as campers serenaded us and we were touched by a few Agalog writings and...
Jun 22, 2019
  Every day at Camp Agawak, the girls are reminded that “Kindness Matters”, as this is a message printed on a pine-wood board, and tacked onto many of our trees. Being kind to one another is what, indeed, matters most for campers to learn in order to grow and thrive in a...
Jun 20, 2019
By Iris Krasnow​ After a two-hour plane ride from Baltimore, and a four-hour drive from the Milwaukee airport, I am finally on a reddish dirt road dusted in crusty pine needles approaching camp. My stomach lurches and tears well up in my eyes when I see the rustic sign that spells AGAWAK!The...
Jun 19, 2019
  We had a fabulous first day of activities with nothing but blue skies above. Blue Lake was pure glass. We skied over 140 campers... many for the first time. A 22 northern was caught in our fishing class by Noa in cabin 13. Allison in cabin 1 climbed to the top of the Tango Tower and flew...
Jun 18, 2019
Our first full day of camping could not have been much better. Oh, these are the days we will remember. Sunny skies greeted us at flagpole where we sang our hip, hip hoorays for the birthday girl of the day (Kayla D.), camper of the day (Leah Gray) and counselor of the day (Genevieve K.). Campers...
Jun 17, 2019
The sun is shining and happy campers are floating on cloud nine. Our first afternoon was spent tubing Blue Lake, unpacking, meeting new cabinmates and hugging old friends. Campers plunged into the water for swim tests eager to pass and are looking forward to tonight's annual staff show....
Jun 03, 2019
Yes, it's TRAVEL time again.  Below is important information regarding each.   Bus Information  June 17th: Where:     Costco, 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview, IL When:       Check-in  8:00am       Departure  8:...
Apr 19, 2019
Please click to read the April/May Agazine 2019
Mar 18, 2019
NEW CAMPER ORIENTATION   When: Sunday, April 7th  1:00-3:00pm   Where:  Renaissance North Shore Hotel, 933 Skokie Boulevard, Northbrook, IL   Our New Camper Orientation is for all new Agawak campers and their parent(s).  Campers will have a chance to...
Mar 06, 2019
Please click to read the "March Agazine"
Feb 04, 2019
Click here for the February Agazine 2019
Jan 21, 2019
Look below for the reunions coming up over the next few months:   Missouri, Sunday, January 27  11:00-1:00 Chicago, Sunday, February 10  1:30-3:30 California, Sunday, February 24  3:00-5:00 Colorado, Sunday, March 3  11:00-1:00
Jan 21, 2019
Click here for the January 2019 Agazine
Nov 29, 2018
    Click DECEMBER 2018 to read the latest edition of the Agazine!
Oct 31, 2018
Please click below for the newest edition of the Agazine! NOVEMBER 2018  
Aug 07, 2018
It's so hard to believe another Agawak summer is over, a summer we've been looking forward to all year, with an exciting countdown - 200 more days, 40 more days, 12 more days - then we are here at our last campfire.   Every day, I witness your passion and spirit in...
Aug 07, 2018
Hello Camp Agawak Families! Here are the bus assignments for the campers taking the bus tomorrow, Wednesday 8/8: Bus 1 (Milwaukee Bus)- Cabins 1, 2, X, 3, 7, 9, 10 Bus 2- Cabins 5, 6, 11, 13, BW Bus 3- Cabins 14, B, H, CW, MW, OW Bus 4- Cabins 15, D, J, Y Bus 5- Cabin Takota...
Aug 05, 2018
What a whirlwind week it has been at Agawak. Friday morning we were able to squeeze in activities before a shower doused us in the pm. With rain overhead, we headed to Happy Camper Hall for a fun game of Agawak Feud. Campers were able to earn Agawak dollars for their cabin by answering certain...
Aug 02, 2018
Rain came in on Wednesday but it didn’t spoil our fun.  Our friends over at Camp Kawaga joined us for a fun afternoon of indoor activities and dancing.  Our very own counselor Shannon Gentle, from London, was chosen to be the lovely bachelorette. Kawaga campers were chosen as...
Jul 31, 2018
The clock is winding down. Wait we just got here!! That’s how fast camp goes. We are now in week 7 with so much more to come. The past two days have been an unbelievably fun Final Four competition. Our famous Gonzo Relay will be played this morning followed by an afternoon of full...
Jul 30, 2018
This past week our campers going into 10th grade each walked a marathon during Relay For Life at the local high school. As an age group, they spent Friday night and the early morning hours on Saturday walking the high school track for cancer. They pushed themselves and encouraged one another...
Jul 25, 2018
Monday and Tuesday were bright and beautiful activity days. Campers made scrambled eggs over the fire in outdoor cooking and our indoor cooking program made Anzac biscuits. Since 1990, Agawak has been bringing outstanding staff from “the land down under” and these biscuits I’...
Jul 24, 2018
As  my weeks at Agawak draw to a close I am reflecting on what I will miss most.  Topping that list is our bracing lake that never fails to make us feel fully awake and alive.  These pristine waters, ranked as one of the cleanest lakes in Wisconsin, have been an oasis that bolsters...
Jul 22, 2018
The line for Ducky’s famous chocolate chip, blueberry, strawberry and plain pancakes was out the door this morning as we celebrated our first lazy breakfast of second session. Campers arrived in pajamas still fresh from Midnight Movie and happily placed their pancake orders.   The...
Jul 21, 2018
Where has the first week of second session gone? On Monday we said good-bye to our CITs who headed out on their boundary water canoe trip.  Now 6 days later, all of them have arrived safely back at the Gunflint base camp.  They were eager to take showers and everyone enjoyed a hot lasagna...
Jul 19, 2018
When we call our campers “The Agawak Family”, we differ from the dictionary that defines family as: “A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.”   We may not be bound by bloodlines, yet our camp sisters share the core tenets of...
Jul 19, 2018
When we call our campers “The Agawak Family”, we differ from the dictionary that defines family as: “A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.”   We may not be bound by bloodlines, yet our camp sisters share the core tenets of...
Jul 17, 2018
After a gorgeous parents visiting day we hit the ground running. Our second session campers arrived on Sunday afternoon with excitement in their eyes. They were eager to reunite with old friends and new campers were anxious to learn what cabin they were in. Our first time campers are adjusting...
Jul 12, 2018
Living in a cabin day-in and day-out and sharing space with 8-14 others campers and 2-4 counselors is the foundation of what camp is all about. Our campers are learning to live as a group and this sets the table for becoming an active, engaging and considerate teenager, college student and adult....
Jul 10, 2018
What a thrill to be on the beach this morning and watch 84 Agawak girls, their blue caps bobbing, swimming toward shore. It’s Lake Swim day, a tradition at Agawak for decades and one I always participated in during my own years as a camper throughout the 1960s and early 1970s.  ...
Jul 08, 2018
  It’s been a very sunny and hot week on the shores of Blue Lake and the weather ahead this week continues to look spectacular. It’s hard to believe we’ll be saying good-bye to our first session friends this Friday. Summer is speeding by too quickly.   The...
Jul 06, 2018
  Friday has been one of those Agawak days that I wish would never end. The sky is flawless, and our week-long heat wave has been cooled by a day of rain. Your children are everywhere in 74-degree, low-humidity weather, smiling in the sunshine, active and embraced by the flurry of summer...
Jul 05, 2018
  Hello from Camp Agawak,   Everything is moving full speed ahead as we completed another magical 4th of July celebration. Camp Agawak is always honored to be a part of this special day. It’s a fun filled Minocqua tradition. At flagpole, everyone was dressed in their red,...
Jul 03, 2018
Agawak was jamming on the beach last night with Kasper K a professional DJ from the Chicago area. Yes! We had a high energy 4th of July beach party with ourselves. It was AWESOME!!  Campers and staff danced on the lawn outside my office and splashed around in the water as the music made its...
Jun 30, 2018
What a scorcher it has been the past few days!! Yesterday was a fun day of activities with a waterfront rest period. Campers got to swim in Blue Lake and enjoy some of our amazing water toys.    With more hot weather all day we opened up the waterfront today after each round of Blue...
Jun 30, 2018
Hello from Camp Agawak,   Everything is moving full speed ahead as we approach another fun filled day of amazing activities. Special announcements for our birthday, camper & counselor of the day were made at the morning flagpole Sophie G., Georgia and Rachel T. enjoyed our Hip,...
Jun 28, 2018
          This summer marks my 15th summer at Camp Agawak– ten as a camper and counselor, then 40 years later I returned to resurrect Agalog, the camp magazine that died in the early 1980s. I credit Agalog for my literary start that planted the seeds for a long...
Jun 26, 2018
Today was a glorious activity day. Campers were making pudgy pie’s in outdoor cooking while some were practicing their dance moves for our annual Fourth of July parade down the main street of Minocqua.  This summer our girls will be dancing to “Party in the USA” by Miley...
Jun 24, 2018
Saturday was a fun day jammed with lots of activity. Campers participated in the annual Agawak Color Run and enjoyed a game of Blue and White balloon battle. Our Blue and White Commissioners (Kiley Isaacson, Jacqui Levitan and Lindsay Fisher) have been working extra hard this last week organizing...
Jun 22, 2018
The weather this past week has been GREAT— and continues to be — magnificent. We haven’t had an ounce of rain since last Sunday — it’s been sunny and beautiful for all daytime activities and very comfortable at night.  We’ve been hydrating all day and...
Jun 20, 2018
We can tell by all the Agawak smiles around camp that this summer is starting off just right!  After a breakfast of eggs, bacon and bagels we jumped right into regular activities with campers running all over the fields, tennis courts, arts and crafts buildings & paths throughout...
Jun 20, 2018
Tuesday was a smooth sailing kind of day as campers hit the shores of Blue Lake, finished some remaining “red tape” and signed up for their first series of activities. We woke up and assembled at the flagpole and sang our hip, hip hoorays of the day to Ava Reed, Lily...
Jun 19, 2018
What an incredible start to the summer! Campers are finally here and all arrived safely. Ten months of hard preparation goes into two months of fun and it’s all worth it when I see those BEAUTIFUL wide smiles. After a few days of heavy rain, sunny skies greeted campers. They barreled off...
Jun 11, 2018
Yes, it's TRAVEL time again.  Below is important information regarding each.   Bus Information  June 18th: Where:     Costco, 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview, IL When:       Check-in  8:00am       Departure  8:30am...
May 11, 2018
Please click below for the full version of the Agazine ​ May Agazine   Happy Reading!    
Apr 10, 2018
Please click below for the full version of the April Agazine 2018   Happy reading!
Mar 09, 2018
Click here for the full edition of the March Agazine.
Mar 07, 2018
Click HERE for the full version of the February Agazine.
Jan 11, 2018
Reunions coming up!   Chicago Reunion WHEN - Sunday, February 11th  1:30-3:30pm WHERE - Renaissance Chicago North Shore Hotel, 933 Skokie Blvd, Northbrook   California Reunion WHEN - Sunday, February 25th   2:00-4:00pm WHERE - The Mass Home  (...
Jan 10, 2018
Please click  HERE  for the full edition of the 2018 January Agazine.    
Dec 06, 2017
Directors Note At Agawak, each camper has a story to tell.  Each child arrives at camp with a history, a background, baggage (no pun intended), fears, strengths, and perceptions.  As campers begin to integrate with each other, they see how different they all are, but yet how similar...
Dec 06, 2017
Please click HERE for the full issue of the November Agazine 2017
Oct 10, 2017
Directors Note As we settle back into the “real world”, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible memories made this summer and the growth our campers experienced. Our campers learn a lot of different skills they never would have experienced if they had stayed at home. They...
Aug 09, 2017
All of us at Camp Agawak hope you’ll notice positive changes in your daughter when she returns from camp.  We are grateful you have chosen Camp Agawak for a key part of your child’s development and growth.  We greatly value this partnership and look forward to continued...
Aug 09, 2017
Bus Location:   Deerbrook Mall-backside 158 S Waukegan Rd, Deerfield ETA:  1:45pm   PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS AND ABIDE BY ALL PARKING AND TRAFFIC RULES  
Aug 08, 2017
Last nights awards ceremony was an emotional one. When the final staff song ended and the candle lights went dark forceful sobs and tears filled Happy Camper Hall. There was not a dry eye to be found. Below are the words to the CIT's final farewell song.  Campfire tonight will be...
Aug 06, 2017
My head is spinning from the level of activity which has taken place in the last 72 hours.  Final Four Gonzo Relay ended in a close finish.  Boulder came out on top with Arizona and Texas neck and neck followed by Maryland. The tug of war was won by Arizona, Boulder came in second...
Aug 06, 2017
My head is spinning from the level of activity which has taken place in the last 72 hours.  Final Four Gonzo Relay ended in a close finish.  Boulder came out on top with Arizona and Texas neck and neck followed by Maryland. The tug of war was won by Arizona, Boulder came in second...
Aug 04, 2017
We woke early Thursday morning and rushed through breakfast in order to complete the Gonzo Relay as the sky was turning dark. All teams were looking strong in this sixty-seven relay event until rain swooped in causing a major rain delay. Reluctantly, we switch gears and our ninth graders put...
Aug 01, 2017
With just a little more than a week left of our Agawak camp season, our campers are still exploding with energy. The cheers and songs I heard this morning at the opening of Final Four rivaled the excitement and spirit of Blue and White games. Under a flawless blue sky, in blazing sunshine, the...
Jul 31, 2017
Yesterday, we said goodbye to some of our Rookie 2 campers while others stayed on for the remainder of the summer. It was sad to see our rookies leave. They were a pleasure to have and many new friendships were forged. We hope to see them on the shores of Blue Lake next summer. All of them...
Jul 30, 2017
I live and learn each day at Camp Agawak, from campers and staff that come from all corners of the country, and around the world. They teach me each day about compassion and patience and empathy, qualities that build leaders, qualities that build strong and kind human beings. I feel very blessed to...
Jul 27, 2017
If you’ve been to Agawak you know what camp does for you. You know how it changes you for the better. If you came to Agawak as a child, you know the profound positive effects that still matter to you as an adult, and you also know that you want the same thing for your own kids. But if...
Jul 25, 2017
Monday night our PAs put on a powerful Say What Karaoke performance. Happy camper hall was flooded with dancing campers screaming and shouting as they ran on and off the stage in sheer excitement.  It was a high energy evening which ended in a giant dance party. We began our day with...
Jul 24, 2017
29 summers, 1,624 days, 38,976 hours. These figures represent my summer time at Agawak. The time I’ve spent at camp has given me the most unforgettable moments and I have meet the most amazing children and staff. I’ve had the opportunity to watch and help those at camp grow and to be...
Jul 23, 2017
Lazy Breakfast anyone? Finally, a chance to catch our breath and slow down. Bright and early, the kitchen staff flipped hundreds of pancakes made to order off the grill for hunger campers. Our Tepee Tribe (of 18 bold campers) walked back from our tepee on “the back forty” with their...
Jul 20, 2017
While every day is a day I love at Agawak, full of spirit and jammed-packed with activities, Wednesdays are different and filled with a potpourri of special activities.  This past Wednesday, we broke loose from our typical schedule and organized out of camp adventures and provided a host of...
Jul 17, 2017
Today the sun was shining and it was a picture-perfect day for kayakers, skiers and canoes to hit the lake. Bess and Hannah (in cabin one) were skiing with wide-opened smiles. Our KWAK radio station was pumping out music and campers were working on their radio scripts. Sailing class was setting...
Jul 15, 2017
Welcome Rookie 2 and Second Session campers! Bus Information  Sunday, July 16th: Where:  Costco, 2900 Patriot Blvd,  Glenview, IL When:       Check-in  8:00am       Departure  8:30am sharp Pack a light lunch (nut...
Jul 14, 2017
 The camp office will be closed from 1:00pm on Saturday, July 15th  until 8:00am on Sunday, July 16th.     On Saturday Camp Agawak staff and campers will welcome parents and visitors beginning at 9:00am and continuing until 1:00pm! Guests...
Jul 13, 2017
            As our first session campers are about to leave I am thinking of a lyric from an old Agawak song that used to be sung called: “We’ve spent these past weeks together learning to live and love everyday”.  ...
Jul 12, 2017
Tonight, was our famous Blue and White lip sync performance in Happy Camper Hall. Twenty separate lip syncs were showcased and excitement filled the air. The teamwork and creativity that goes into this evening truly deserves a standing ovation. Both teams had us on the edge of our seats...
Jul 10, 2017
  This morning we woke up early for our bi-annual lake swim. It was a picture-perfect day as over 60 campers plunged into Blue Lake. With sun on our shoulders and calm water in sight swimmers took off with full force.  Emma from cabin Takota took the lead early followed by Friedman...
Jul 07, 2017
          I’m often asked by people not familiar with the exciting flurry of summer camp life, “So what do campers do all day?” Even some parents are not quite sure exactly what goes on here in the course of a day. Since I can’t...
Jul 06, 2017
We are sad to see our first session campers leave :(   Bus Information  Friday, July 14th: Where:  Deerbrook Mall (backside), 158 S Waukegan Rd, Deerfield     (If you are going to Milwaukee,  Radissson Hotel, Hwy 100 & 45/41) When:  ...
Jul 05, 2017
Once again, our Agawak dancers were the stars of Minocqua’s Fourth of July parade. Their explosive energy and passion had the crowds cheering wildly during their hour-and-a-half long procession along the town’s main avenue, moving in synchrony to “Kill The Lights”. It was...
Jul 03, 2017
        At our campfire Sunday night, I was once again awed by the reverence and silence of our usual boisterous Agawak family. That is, after they sung a dozen or so traditional camp songs then are serenaded by our roving guitar-plucking minstrel, MP. Many of our Agawak anthems...
Jul 02, 2017
  The past two days the sun has been out and we have been in a flurry of activities. We have been busy practicing the Fourth of July parade dance and the sunshine feels good to on our shoulders. Friday night was Halloween which is certainly a camp favorite. Games from...
Jun 30, 2017
Agawak Girls Don’t Give Up!         By Iris Krasnow                 As our Agawak summer is swiftly rolling into full swing, I am reminded of the lifelong lessons I learned here...
Jun 28, 2017
Every day at camp, campers are acquiring and honing skills all over the map from the athletic field to the waterfront, Tango Tower to arts and crafts, indoor cooking to archery. I see so many campers growing and learning and taking on new challenges. One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is...
Jun 26, 2017
As I tour the country, during the “off season”, calling on new families interested in sending their girls to Agawak, I am asked over and over, “Why Agawak?”   Having spent the past 29 years – more than half my life -- on the shores of Blue Lake, welcoming...
Jun 25, 2017
Yesterday we awoke to patrol telling us it was time to go to bed. We assemble at flagpole to go over camper and counselor of the evening then hustled up to the picnic table area for dinner.  We bypassed inspection for an evening program and cabin hunt game. In the afternoon cabins went...
Jun 24, 2017
Thursday we had a morning of activities until rain came in around 12:30 p.m. and took us indoors for the Great State of Agawak. Our energetic CITs were divided among cabins and were elected to be the mayor of their newly created Agawak city. After preparing a town song, mascot, and a famous city...
Jun 22, 2017
The next two days will be active as campers rotate through their selected activities.    Our dance class is working on a routine for the 4th of July parade and will be dancing down the main street of Minocqua to Kill the Lights by Jesse Glenn.   ...
Jun 21, 2017
This morning at 6 AM my day was made as I looked out my window to see a bright clear sky.  With our first day of full activities upon us and good weather in hand, it's already an awesome day.  Campers are excited and ready to try new activities and improve upon existing skills. The...
Jun 20, 2017
All winter long we prepare for the moment our campers step foot on Agawak ground for the summer. Yesterday, after months and months of preparation, we waited in anticipation for the buses to pull into camp.  Counselors were singing and bouncing up-and-down as the buses...
Jun 01, 2017
Yes, it's TRAVEL time again.  Below is important information regarding each.   Bus Information  June 19th: Where:     Costco, 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview, IL When:       Check-in  8:00am       Departure  8:...
Jun 01, 2017
Here Mary's Note from the June Newsletter.   Click HERE for the full Agazine   Ah Agawak, with all its beautiful sights and sounds ...shining stars on a clear night, the whistle of the wind in the tall pines, the splashing of campers jumping into Blue Lake, and the ringing of...
Apr 28, 2017
Below is Directors note from the May Agazine.  Please click HERE for the full version.     Spring is finally in the air which means summer is just around the corner! I’ve shed my winter jacket, I hope for the last time, and in the blink of eye it will be time to...
Mar 28, 2017
Here is a excerpt from the March/April Agazine.  For the full edition please click  HERE   DIRECTORS NOTE: Camp Agawak is located in some of the most beautiful surroundings in the country. Tucked away amongst towering pine trees, a lake rated top 5 in the state of Wisconsin...
Mar 20, 2017
Final Balances are Due:    April 15th, 2017   Pre-Camp Packets were mailed out to enrolled campers!  If you didn't received yours please let us know. 
Feb 28, 2017
Click HERE for a copy of the February Agazine.
Feb 07, 2017
    Click  HERE  for a written copy of the 2017 form instructions.  You can also check out the Forms Tutorial on youtube.  
Jan 31, 2017
    Click HERE for a copy of the January Agazine
Jan 31, 2017
Camp Agawak is located in some of the most beautiful surroundings in the country; nestled away amongst tall pines, a gorgeous blue lake and acres upon acres of woods. Agawak is the definition of natural beauty. When you're here you can connect with nature and breathe in fresh Wisconsin air....
Jan 05, 2017
We hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season and you are all staying warm.  We are getting lots of snow here in Boise and have had an extended winter break due to two snow days in a row!  Is it June yet and we are all warm and wishing it was a waterfront day?! It has been a busy...
Dec 13, 2016
Please click the link below to see the December Agazine DECEMBER AGAZINE 2016  
Nov 17, 2016
Please click the link below to view the November issue of the Agazine November Agazine 2016
Oct 28, 2016
Looking Back To...The Best We've Ever Seen in 2016!   Each year when camp is done and fall settles in, I finally have time to reflect on the summer we’ve just experienced together.  For each of us the experience is different.  For the first time parent, you learned...
Aug 24, 2016
It seems like just yesterday we arrived at Agawak, went through pre-camp and waited patiently for our campers to arrive for the summer.  How quickly the summer went. Now we have said our goodbyes to the greatest campers and finest staff anywhere. We had such an amazing summer!  Thank...
Aug 10, 2016
After an amazing summer camp has come to a sad close. We had an outstanding last week with our traditional end-of-the-summer events.  Treasure Hunt, Blue and White closing, awards night, staff banquet and final campfire were memorable and amazing. It was a week to celebrate, reflect and...
Aug 10, 2016
Bus Location: Behind Deerbrook Mall close to Joy of The Game.  158 S Waukegan Rd, Deerfield, IL   ETA:  1:45pm   PLEASE WATCH SCROLLING MESSAGE ON HOME PAGE FOR TIME UPDATES!! Check your daughter's cabin below to see what bus she is on!   Bus 1...
Aug 06, 2016
Friday morning eager swimmers took off across Blue Lake for our second session lake swim. For 96 summers, girls have been challenging themselves and encouraging one another to take the plunge. As they swam, rounds of various Agawak songs were sung. It  requires a lot of energy to swim a mile...
Aug 03, 2016
The skies look threatening Tuesday morning as we headed into the lodge for oatmeal, fresh fruit, and bagels. Shortly after we completed breakfast and were headed back to our cabins for inspection, a burst of rain came across Blue Lake ending our hopes for a morning Final Four Gonzo...
Jul 31, 2016
Lazy Breakfast.  Are there any two words more beautiful n the English language?  After going Full Speed Ahead for days, it’s always nice to slow down, rest, and enjoy some extra sleep, followed by Ducky’s pancakes.  Here are your choices:  plain, blueberry, chocolate...
Jul 27, 2016
Last night we enjoyed our final midnight movie of the summer. Our junior and intermediate campers watched Secret Life of Pets while our seniors viewed Ghostbusters.  We boarded the buses at 11:30 p.m. and made it just in time before the wind and heavy rain set in. All of us were safe and sound...
Jul 26, 2016
It’s sunny and 87 degrees here at Camp Agawak, but the sun isn’t the only source of warmth on this beautiful day. The campers are radiating their spirited energy. Looking across Blue Lake I can’t help but smile at the sight of skiers, sailboats, kayaks, and canoes as they soar...
Jul 25, 2016
Today is a gorgeous bright sunny day at Agawak.  The past few days we have been busy in activities, signing up for a new series of activities, teepee trips, crazy evening programs, Blue and White tenathalon, campfires and learning a bit of history from some old alum. Last night, after campfire...
Jul 22, 2016
As kids grow into teens, as teens grow into adults and as adults grow older, a funny thing happens: time speeds up and goes faster. In the blink of an eye I can think about my 13th birthday, my first day of high school, college, graduation, having children and someday grandkids. The circle...
Jul 21, 2016
          Breathe deeply and look around you, at the tall pines and big sky and clear lake. Look at joy in the eyes of your friends, huddled next to you at campfire. Warmed by the flames and friendship, know how blessed you are, in this moment and in the weeks to come, to...
Jul 17, 2016
Thank you to our wonderful parents who traveled far and wide to attend parent’s visiting day. We realize it’s quite a trek for you and appreciate all who came to watch your daughter ski, shoot an arrow or two, and maneuver up the tango tower. It’s an emotional time for all of us...
Jul 15, 2016
We watched with heavy hearts as our first session girls rolled out on buses early Friday morning. Huddles of their friends were waving wildly, teary-eyed, until they were no longer in sight. I always have a mix of emotions at this time, sad that their season is over yet joyful that these girls...
Jul 13, 2016
When people ask me why I continue to come to camp, a million thoughts come to mind, but it’s two hundred and forty-two of them that stand out. That’s one memory for each lipsync I’ve gotten to see over the last eleven summers at camp. Tonight will mark the next twenty-two memories...
Jul 13, 2016
Campers going home on the bus Friday, July 15th will be dropping off at : Deerbrook Mall, Deerfield  (West side by Joy of the Game )   ETA is 2:30pm ​Milwaukee location: Radisson Hotel, N88 W14750 Main St (Int. of 41/45 & Hwy 100)...
Jul 12, 2016
MP here. I hope this blog finds you doing well. It’s Monday night, and we just finished one of my favorite evening programs…Casino Night!!!! Ok, I like it for the snacks, but the girls are all about the greenbacks, i.e., winning Agawak Dollars! They too love the snacks, but...
Jul 10, 2016
We woke this morning excited for Olympic Day.  Our 4 Olympic Day teams are Finding Nemo, Shrek, Frozen and Toy Story.  Camp is full of creative outlets and proof of this is found in the beautiful team banners that each team created. Team Shrek took first place with their banner and were...
Jul 09, 2016
Today is Saturday, today is Saturday!  Saturday pancakes.  Saturday sleeping in.   Is everybody happy?  Well, I should say!  Many flap jacks were flipped this morning as campers and counselors had a chance to slow things down a bit and enjoy their third lazy breakfast...
Jul 08, 2016
            Greetings from the Blue & White Games of 2016! My name is Julia Spathis, and I’m one of this year’s commissioners for Blue & White, with my best friends Sydney Salit and Julia Zazove! The last few weeks of the session have been packed...
Jul 06, 2016
On my… how the first two weeks have flown by! I wish we could press the slow motion button but there are just way too many things we need to pack in and accomplish. Today is a gorgeous, hot summer day. Campers are crossing wakes, hitting targets, climbing towers, and cooking up a storm. We...
Jul 03, 2016
Last night we finished a perfect picture day at campfire. We sang our favorite Agawak songs, listened to MP play guitar and was serenaded by the beautiful voices of Emma Morgan, Emma Swerdlow, Lily Emalfarb, Natalie Frankel, Ava Reed, Norah Polonsky, Ava Friedman and Kennedy Cannon. It takes...
Jul 02, 2016
What a day it is to be an Agawak girl!  We sent our CIT’s to the Northwood’s Zip-line Company, our 9th graders experienced an afternoon water park in Wausau and our entire 8th grade clan went tubing down the Manitowish River on inner-tubes.  Each grade level had a change of...
Jul 02, 2016
Good Morning, Campers!  MP again, filling you in on another wonderful Agawak day. Let’s see…probably the best way to describe the Friday we just had is…PERFECT!!!  So perfect that I drifted off to sleep without posting Fridays blog until this morning.  Sorry...
Jun 30, 2016
At Agawak we pack in a serious amount a fun into each day regardless of the weather. The sun greeted us this morning as we gathered around flagpole to sing our hip-hip hoorays to Talia Zazove and Sam Munze. Ducky and Abraham served up scrambled eggs, fresh Forever Bagels and bacon. Today campers...
Jun 29, 2016
Midnight Movie…Midnight Movie!!!!!  Last night the buses rolled into camp at 11:30 p.m. and we boarded the buses & headed to the Lakeland Cinema for a private showing of "Finding Dory".  Campers were caught off guard with Midnight Movie being much earlier than in...
Jun 28, 2016
The excitement is so thick you can actually feel and smell it in the air as our PA’s (program assistants), campers going into 10th grade, prepare to leave for their annual Copper Falls trip this morning.  Ancient lava flows, deep gorges and beautiful waterfalls make Copper Falls one of...
Jun 27, 2016
Hey there campers. Welcome back to the Agawak blog. It’s late here Sunday night…almost midnight. We finished up our weekly staff meeting, which followed our first campfire, which followed another amazing meal by Ducky, BBQ ribs (this Memphis boy was in heaven), which followed an...
Jun 25, 2016
The past two days have been filled with activities, waterfront fun, Gold Rush,fun and many firsts. All day we play together under the careful and watchful eye of our trained counselors and staff. If you were watching from above, you’d see a virtual beehive of non-stop action. Some may call it...
Jun 23, 2016
What a beautiful day it was to be an Agawak camper. The sun popped out about 12pm and we had a sun-kissed afternoon filled with tubing, trampball, gaga ball and activity sign-up. We had turkey sandwiches for lunch, a full salad bar as always and some yummy gluten free chicken and wild rice soup....
Jun 23, 2016
We are “off and running” literally! There is more energy and excitement here than imaginable. We are ready for another summer filled with laughter, echoing Blue and White cheers, endless memories and fun and wacky camp events like midnight movie. There’s truly something amazing...
Jun 21, 2016
For Campers riding the bus from the Chicago area here is the bus information: Location:  Costco, 2900 Patriot Blvd, Glenview Check in:  8:00am Departure: 8:30am Milwaukee Pickup:  Radisson Hotel Menomonee Falls, Intersection of HWY 100 & HWY 41 (Brown Deer Rd)...
Jun 15, 2016
It’s that time of year again! We have been working hard all year long to make this one of the best summers ever and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of campers in one week. Our wonderful staff has arrived, and we are bonding, learning, setting up program areas and preparing camp physically...
Jan 14, 2016
It is with great sorrow that our camp family has suffered a loss in the passing of  Harold Hiken, HH or H as many campers have known him by.   Harold was a former High school Teacher and Owner of Camp Timberlane for 25 years (1961-1986).  When the time came for Oscar Siegel and...
Jan 09, 2016
Welcome New Campers! Join us in welcoming our newest Agawak Campers.  We are so excited you will be with us for part of your summer! Drew Sauer—1st Grade, Chicago, IL Keagan Anderson– 4th Grade, Onalaska, WI Addison Shenfeld– 3rd Grade, Chicago, IL Adi...
Aug 12, 2015
The past few days have been a whirlwind of events. I’m still not sure I’ve fully recovered from Treasure Hunt. I can’t stay up all night like I used to. It’s past midnight as I type this after a tearful night around the campfire. We launched our wish boats in calm waters and...
Aug 11, 2015
Hello Everyone! We are so sad to have the campers leave us tomorrow! Below is travel information for people taking the bus to Milwaukee or Chicago: Buses will be leaving camp around 8:30-8:45am.  The MILWAUKEE bus should arrive around 12:30pm at N88 W14750 Main St, Menomonee...
Aug 08, 2015
Today most of us are in a daze. The effects of an all night treasure hunt have caught up to the majority of us.  The hunt began at 7:15 pm last night after a wacky game of “Let’s Make A Deal” in Happy Camper Hall.  Cabin Y won a giant ice cream cake, Audrey Smith from...
Aug 06, 2015
Wednesday was backwards day here at camp. Cabin 10 had an overnight at the teepee and I surprised them with Paul Bunyan sugar donuts at flagpole.  We woke up for a pizza bagel dinner and had ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  After a yummy supper we headed to a Blue and White closing...
Aug 05, 2015
Final 4 2015 was an intense battle for the gold medal. After Duke’s sweep during opening ceremonies- they claimed first place in their skit, banner, members loved playing dodgeball because it gave them a chance to prove thand relays.  It appeared that they were going to be unstoppable (...
Aug 05, 2015
By Iris Krasnow My 2015 stint as a camp counselor is nearly over and I’m sitting at the lip of Blue Lake at dusk, lulled by the calm waters and the dusting of pastel clouds. I am thinking about the swift passage of summer, my favorite season, and the hectic days of fall that lie ahead...
Aug 04, 2015
Final Four Blog Today marked the first day of the 2015 Final Four games! When the bell rang for wake-up at promptly 8:30 a.m., the girls jumped out of bed with excitement and put on their team’s shirt. Campers and counselors carbo-loaded for the day’s games with Ducky’s...
Aug 01, 2015
Today was a happy Saturday lazy breakfast topped with Ducky’s scrumptious blueberry, chocolate chip and strawberry homemade pancakes. Ducky flipped 560 flapjacks for hungry campers as polka music played in the kitchen and Another Cinderella Story hit the big screen in the lodge.  We...
Jul 31, 2015
Good Evening Campers, It’s the last night in July.  Hard to believe.  We have had a wonderful week of gorgeous weather, and with the weather we have been able to have a full week of activities.  It culminated tonight with a social (SOCIAL SOCIAL!!!) with Camp Horseshoe....
Jul 30, 2015
Yesterday morning, after a misleading announcement (we have to keep things a surprise somehow!), campers learned that we would spend the day doing Blue & White Big Games, a crowd favorite! Blue & White teams split into two divisions, and spent the day in twelve different games –...
Jul 30, 2015
Yesterday morning, after a misleading announcement (we have to keep things a surprise somehow!), campers learned that we would spend the day doing Blue & White Big Games, a crowd favorite! Blue & White teams split into two divisions, and spent the day in twelve different games –...
Jul 28, 2015
It’s early in the morning. Campers are tucked in their bunks and will awaken to the sound of the silver bell at 8:15 am. We have been running at a fast pace the past several days as we have so much to try and accomplish in the next two weeks.   On Sunday I took most of the girls...
Jul 25, 2015
Hi from Camp Agawak! Today, camp (and, by extension, the blog) has been taken over by counselors and campers, as the CIT’s have “kidnapped” our office and admin team, while the rest of us enjoy Revolution Day.  Staff woke campers up this morning directing them to Happy...
Jul 24, 2015
We had an awesome day of activities on Thursday. Campers in outdoor cooking were all smiles as they made apple, cherry and blueberry pie around the campfire. Campers Maya and Ava created a new camp song to the tune of friends in their reflection class which will be sung at our next campfire...
Jul 22, 2015
Temperatures hovered near 70 degrees early this morning as we said goodbye to our wonderful CIT’s who headed, by chartered bus, to the boundary waters for their annual canoeing trip.  They are excited but also anxious as they are heading to a remote but breathtaking area where they will...
Jul 21, 2015
It’s 10:00 at night.  Our rookies are having their own version of our Midnight Movie, watching Enchanted, and eating pizza.  The camp has recently quieted down after another rousing evening program, Gold Rush, a camper favorite.  So as camp has settled in for the evening, Suzi...
Jul 20, 2015
Have you ever gone to camp on a bright and sunny day? With all the little campers swimming up and down Blue Lake, and if you have you know life doesn’t get much better than this.  The days we spend at Agawak are the best days of our lives. Everyday I try to get the staff and campers to...
Jul 17, 2015
Tomorrow Camp Agawak will welcome parents and visitors beginning at 9:00am and continuing until noon! Guests are invited to tour the activity areas, cabins and visit with your daughters counselors.  Certain activities will also be staffed and you are welcome to participate. Feel free to...
Jul 16, 2015
Campers going home on the bus Friday, July 15th will be dropping off at : Deerbrook Mall, Deerfield  (West side by Joy of the Game )   ETA is 1:45pm ​Milwaukee location: Radisson Hotel, N88 W14750 Main St (Int. of 41/45 & Hwy 100)  approximately 12:30pm...
Jul 16, 2015
So hard to believe that our first session is coming to a close for a camp season our girls eagerly await all year long. Those Agawak girls leaving got an awesome send-off, starting with our Color Fun Run. Juniors run 2.5 K and Seniors run up to 5 K on our camp course, decked in white T-...
Jul 14, 2015
Activities were in full swing today.  I love activity days; as campers challenge themselves, accomplish new goals and rush to share their achievements with others.  That little proud twinkle in their eye as they reach the top of the Tango Tower, slalom for the first time or land their...
Jul 13, 2015
One of the reasons why Agawak continues to shine brighter than the rest is because of the young counselors and staff selected each summer to care, guide and nurture our campers. Day in and day out I see counselors giving of themselves in tremendous ways.  The BEST counselors are the ones that...
Jul 11, 2015
At our campfire this past weekend Mary read several articles your girls wrote for Agalog, our camp magazine we revived last summer. Each week Agalog is focused on a different theme, and this most recent one was “Friendship”.         The boisterous...
Jul 10, 2015
The past two days have been filled with summer fun and lots of laughter.  I was beginning to panic when our server went down Tuesday and I wasn’t able to post anything on our website.  My web developers informed me that we tripled our usage since last summer and our server no longer...
Jul 09, 2015
This was the Blog that was supposed to go up Tuesday Morning.........   The days at camp fly by at warp speed. One minute I’m gathered around the flagpole singing “Hip Hip Hooray you’re the camper of the day and before I know it I’m reminding campers to head to...
Jul 05, 2015
Once again, the girls of Agawak were the stars of Minocqua’s Fourth of July Parade. The girls’ energy and passion for camp was explosive during the hour-and-a-half long procession along the town’s main avenue, a celebration that brings out thousands of cheering townspeople and...
Jul 03, 2015
Dear Family and Friends,  MP here. First and foremost, I want to wish all of you a happy summer. As I write this, we just finished a campfire and a mini fireworks show here in camp. We timed it perfectly in that we ended the show and got the girls back to their cabins just in time for a...
Jul 02, 2015
It was a beautiful 75 degree day at Agawak today.  Chloe Cohen and Alice Brown were flattered to be selected as camper and counselor of the day.  At flagpole cabin H was all smiles as they made it back in time for breakfast after spending a night at the teepee.  They enjoyed a night...
Jul 01, 2015
Last night we celebrated Halloween Agawak Style.  There were lots of ghosts, goblins and Minions running all over the place.  Ducky gave fire truck rides a few minutes behind Brandon and counselor Penny who were pulling campers on the tractor through the forest of Agawak on a scary...
Jun 30, 2015
Sunny skies greeted us Monday for a morning of full activities.  Camper Sydney Cohen and counselor Sylvie Siegel were honored at flagpole. Being camper and counselor of the day gets your cabin a fast pass to the salad bar for all three meals as well as cheers and specials hugs around the...
Jun 28, 2015
Hello all from the lovely confines of the Agawak Office, Yesterday was the second annual Agapalooza. The girls dressed up like they were going to a music festival in neon clothes and hip headbands! They went to a few stations to watch their friends perform songs and dances and took pictures like...
Jun 27, 2015
This morning, skies overhead were blue at 7:25 with a temperature of 61°. A bright sunny camp day is in store for us. We have an Agapalooza theme day organized, which involves different stations including art and music.  After last night's crazy and wacky Food Olympics, where whipping...
Jun 26, 2015
The sun is shining this morning. It’s going to be a picture perfect day on Blue Lake. Our first activity day awaits us as everyone is signed up and ready for activities to go full speed ahead. Last night all first year campers were placed on their Blue and White teams.  Veteran...
Jun 25, 2015
We are off and running. The buses pulled into camp at 2:12 pm with sunny skies above.  The thrill of watching the buses roll into camp is like no other.  Campers one by one jumped off the bus. Hugs, kisses and long embraces were flowing in all directions.   Quickly we sent...
Jun 24, 2015
The day we’ve all been waiting for since last August is finally here!  The sun is out and we are expecting a beautiful day over Blue Lake. Staff orientation week was one of the best we’ve ever had.   Dr. Chris Thurber spent over 13 hours with our staff during pre-camp...
Jun 23, 2015
Campers going home on the bus will be dropped off, Friday, July 17th at: Deerbrook Mall, Deerfield  (southend using the vacant Wonder Store parking lot)   ETA 1:45   Campers coming to camp on Sunday, July 19th will board at: Chicago:   Costco, 2900 Patriot...
May 29, 2015
Important Bus Information for END OF SESSION The drop off location for campers at the end of their session (July 17th or August 12th) will be in the vacant “Wonder” toy/baby store parking lot at Deerbrook Mall in Deerfield, IL Busses will unload campers at the South end of...
Apr 28, 2015
Extra Extra....Read all about it! *Your phenomenal Blue & White Coordinators this year will be, JULIA SPATHIS and JULIA ZAZOVE with  talented SYDNEY SALIT assisting. *Evening Programs will be directed by REBEKAH PINK, LAURA MEADOWS AND SAMANTHA SOLOWAY.  It can’t get much...
Apr 10, 2015
Billing statements for the 2015 season have been sent out.  We understand there may be questions and we'd like to help.  There are also a few reminders we'd like to pass along as well. FAQs My camper is not taking the bus one or both ways what should I do about the bus...
Mar 17, 2015
Extra, Extra Read All About It! Pre-camp packets were mailed out! If you didn’t receive yours and you are already officially registered for this summer– please call the camp office as soon as possible at: 715-356-5383.  New campers and returning campers need to be registered...
Mar 02, 2015
‘OFF-SEASON’ PROJECTS, SUMMER PREP, AND FUN WINTER SCENES FROM CAMP White, snowy drifts cover the grounds and Blue Lake hibernates beneath it’s frozen surface. While much of the summer equipment and activities are packed away awaiting your return, there is still a bustle about...
Jan 02, 2015
95 Summers! Camp Agawak’s year round staff wishes to extend our appreciation to you for your support and loyalty throughout the years. It is you, the campers, staff, parents and alumnae that make Camp Agawak the magical place it has been for 95 summers!   I hope all of you had a...
Dec 15, 2014
Leaves have fallen, snow blankets the camp grounds and I am reminded that another cold winter is in store for us up north. I long for a warm summer day surrounded by my campers and staff.  This time of year I seem to get “camp sick”.  All summer long we are brought together to...
Oct 03, 2014
Agalog-ging During The Year By Iris Krasnow The best part about being a writer is that you can bring your feelings and imagination to vivid life, these important parts of you that others cannot see. By writing your heart you are revealing yourself to others and at the same time you are opening your...
Sep 09, 2014
Much has transpired since the morning of August 6th when we said our summer goodbyes.  Another post camp has come and gone. This summer, Post Camp was more special than ever before with the return of many former campers and staff members.  Watching these once upon a time campers turned...
Aug 11, 2014
If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t written the last blog of the summer yet, it’s because I’ve been avoiding it. I sat down several times at my computer but couldn’t bring myself to write anything.  How does one effectively capture a summer full of life...
Aug 05, 2014
  The treasure hunt VICTORY went to the Blue Team at 4:51am. White Team was on the last clue at the same time as Blue however it was the Blue Team that asked its chief if they could go to the waterfront first where the last clue was hidden.  It was an exhausting and exuberating treasure...
Aug 02, 2014
It’s a gorgeous, sunny day over Blue Lake today.  Our camper of the day was Mia Staub and our counselor of the day was Spencer Weiss.  We started off the morning with a delicious breakfast of French toast, cereal, yogurt and fresh fruit!  It was the perfect breakfast to start...
Jul 31, 2014
It was another beautiful day on the shores of blue lake. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky as we met at flagpole for our cheer… G-O-O-D M-O-R-N-I-N-G! We began flagpole by announcing our camper and counselor of the day. Our camper of the day is a new camper to camp who...
Jul 30, 2014
The 2014 Final Four Trophy went to Colombia! Only 5 points separated the second place team (Cornell) and Penn. Northwestern came in fourth place, but their spirit was top notch. At flagpole this morning, we surprised CIT Jenna Lachman with the camper of the day honor and Christine Gates from Ohio...
Jul 29, 2014
Our camper of the day today is Tess Ludwig and our counselor of the day is veteran counselor Stacey Rhum. What a terrific sunny day it is for our annual Gonzo Relay to take place. Team captains are on the edge of their seats as they battle 66 events out one by one. It’s a grueling event with...
Jul 28, 2014
Sunday morning we officially kicked off our Final Four competition.  During Final Four, camp is divided into 4 college teams.  This summer Penn State, Columbia University, Cornell and Northwestern University will compete in the Final Four games. Campers and staff wearing white, purple,...
Jul 25, 2014
From Iris Krasnow, Agalog Editor It’s something in the air at Agawak, of this I am convinced, my first summer back on these grounds in 40 years. During my ten summers at Agawak as a girl, I met campers that remain my closest friends, decades later. And to you my new Agawak friends,...
Jul 24, 2014
Blue and White is still as important and powerful as it was decades ago. Wednesday both teams battled it out in a potpourri of big games.  Senior ga-ga ball was exciting to watch. Both teams played best out of 3! The first game went to Blue, the White Team took the second game, and White held...
Jul 23, 2014
Monday was a beautiful sunny activity day here at camp.  Last night we had another heartwarming campfire.   The skies were clear and Blue Lake was peaceful.  It was a humid & muggy night sitting around the campfire.  Norah P. and Illana B. sang together like...
Jul 20, 2014
I wish I could share with you the triumphs and obstacles that are over come on a daily basis. Most people have very little idea of the ups and downs that occur on any single camp day.  These ups and downs help to build our character and help to prepare us for the real world. I see the...
Jul 18, 2014
Good morning (parents and friends of) campers!!!! MP here again.  We are just a few days into our second session, so I thought I might pass on a few observations to you.  First, we had another wonderful 5 days with our rookies.  They sadly left us yesterday morning, but not without...
Jul 18, 2014
Good morning (parents and friends of) campers!!!! MP here again.  We are just a few days into our second session, so I thought I might pass on a few observations to you.  First, we had another wonderful 5 days with our rookies.  They sadly left us yesterday morning, but not without...
Jul 17, 2014
This morning we gathered around the flagpole and sang our praises to camper of the day Sydney Cohen and counselor of the day Sam Soloway.  The sun is shining & we are having fun in the sun. From water to land to sky we have many amazing campers who are soaring to new heights. Wish I had...
Jul 14, 2014
Second session is well underway with the arrival of our new campers.  They are an excited bunch of girls.  Parents should be thrilled to know that we only have two little campers who are experiencing normal bouts of homesickness.  It’s nothing we haven’t seen and...
Jul 11, 2014
Our first session friends have left us. Camp is much quieter without them. The tears we shed at campfire last night prove how much we love one another & Agawak. I’ve witnessed tremendous growth in our campers heading home. They should be proud of their accomplishments. Some of them went...
Jul 09, 2014
It’s something in the air at Agawak, of this I am convinced, my first summer back on these grounds in 40 years. During my ten summers at Agawak as a girl, I made friends that remain my closest friends, decades later. I am watching those bonds form every day between this generation.  The...
Jul 08, 2014
Bright and early (6:45am) on Monday, lake swimmers threw on their swim suits grabbed a dry towel, and headed to the ski docks to be transported across Blue Lake for a long standing tradition – The Lake Swim.  The water conditions were favorable and glasslike.  42 campers eagerly...
Jul 06, 2014
As I write this I am hearing the yelps of four teams competing in Agawak’s annual Olympic Day. This year the campers have been divided into the countries of New Zealand, Ireland, Israel and Madagascar. The shout that is resounding very loudly now is a cheer from Team Israel, “Oy Vey, We...
Jul 03, 2014
Hip, Hip Hooray Taylor Warren was the camper of the day!  Danny Baez from Mexico was counselor of the day.  Ducky served up his delicious homemade pancakes for breakfast. The sun popped out and we went full speed ahead into morning activities. Today, we’ll put the final finishing...
Jul 02, 2014
Last night was midnight movie! The juniors and intermediates watched How to Train Your Dragon while the seniors cried their eyes out watching The Fault of Our Stars.  Campers were screaming and shouting “midnight movie” throughout camp at 11:45pm dressed in their pajamas. ...
Jul 01, 2014
Here are a few Agalog articles I'd like to share with you. When you read them you can see how creative and inspired the girls are while writing, surrounded by the beauty of our towering pines and the serenity of Blue Lake. All of the Agalog writings will be put together in one magazine at the...
Jun 30, 2014
Today our camper of the day, Joanne Howsen, hails from Bexley, OH. Counselor of the day, Jodie Trim, from Australia was nominated not only by me but also by her campers.  It’s a gorgeous sunny day at Agawak.  Blue skies are above us and we are in full swing of activities.  Our...
Jun 30, 2014
It’s was lazy breakfast today.  Our kitchen staff was flipping an assortment of delicious pancakes left and right. Fresh fruit, frittata & cold cereal were set up on the salad bar tables for campers and counselors to eat at their leisure from 8:30 to 9:30.  While campers...
Jun 27, 2014
Good evening (parents and friends of) campers!!!! MP here.  Thought I’d share some of my thoughts today with you.  As I write this, we are having a bit of rain tonight, but it didn’t stop us from having a great evening program.  HCH (Happy Camper Hall) is such a versatile...
Jun 26, 2014
How can I possibly write about all the amazing things happening here on any given day?  I simply can’t. You have to be here to truly appreciate how powerful our relationships become.  People who are not at camp daily often ask me what my day is like.  It’s eclectic, fun,...
Jun 25, 2014
I started as an Agawak camper in 1963, at the age of eight. We were a group of five girls that first year in Cabin 3. My last year at Agawak was in 1973, when I was the counselor in Cabin 15. During those ten summers at Agawak, which at the time were one session of eight-weeks, I made friends that...
Jun 24, 2014
Yesterday we gathered at flagpole and cheered loudly for our camper of the day (Carolyn Cohen) and counselor of the day (Sydney Salit).  Hip, hip hoorays went out to birthday girl of the day Haylie Blumenthal from Maryland.  The PA’s were geared out in back packs, head nets and...
Jun 22, 2014
Agalog was a longtime Sunday night tradition at Agawak, a time when the Camp Director Oscar Siegel would sit in a rocking chair in the lodge, and read aloud stories and poems campers had written.  During those summers decades ago there were only about 100 to 140 campers so they could all fit...
Jun 20, 2014
The shores of Blue Lake were filled with the hustle and bustle of campers swimming, fishing, canoeing, sailing, snorkeling and paddling most of the day.  We had a rewarding day of activities with smiles all around. Honestly, I've never been hugged so much in one day in my entire life. I...
Jun 20, 2014
The shores of Blue Lake were filled with the hustle and bustle of campers swimming, fishing, canoeing, sailing, snorkeling and paddling most of the day.  We had a rewarding day of activities with smiles all around. Honestly, I've never been hugged so much in one day in my entire life. I...
Jun 20, 2014
At Camp Agawak, we believe it is important to teach our children about diversity starting at a young age.  Diversity fosters positive self-regard in one’s own culture and positive attitudes toward the culture of others.  While exploring similarities and differences among cultures,...
Jun 19, 2014
Today we had a great start to our day!  We met at flagpole this morning and the chants started bright and early!  G-O-O-D  M-O-R-N-I-N-G good morning yeah, yeah  good morning woo!  We had our first birthday girl of the day all the way from Iowa, Ava R.  She will be...
Jun 18, 2014
The first campers to arrive at camp today were Emma and Sophie Plattner from Tucson, Arizona.  Shortly after the Reed sisters, from Iowa, were dropped off for their first overnight camping experience.  Our campers being dropped off come from as close as Eagle River and as far as Hawaii....
Jun 18, 2014
Today's the day we've all been waiting for. It's time for friendship and fun on the shores of Blue Lake. Once again I couldn't sleep last night. I tossed and turned mostly with excitement. It's almost  show time!!!!!  I'm constantly thinking about what final...
Jun 16, 2014
Summer has come! The staff has arrived in all their glory.  Camp is finally alive. Last night, Blue and White staff cheers echoed through camp.  After 25 years, I still get goose bumps every time I hear the intensity of those traditional songs & cheers, which have been a part of...
May 28, 2014
This Blog was written by two long time campers and former staff members that are sad not to be here this summer but happy to know that what camp gives to everyone will always continue.  Enjoy.....   What We Will Miss, but Looking Forward to What Others Will Experience   Dear Campers...
May 15, 2014
A day in the life of an Agawak girl is filled with fun, enriching and challenging activities.  We create a balanced schedule that promotes a wide variety of activities.   A typical day at Camp Agawak goes like this: 8:00 am: Wake up (Morning Bell) 8:15 am:  Flag Pole 8:30 am:...
Apr 09, 2014
Hey, Ho Agawak’s got soul.   That’s right! We have more spirit and energy at Camp Agawak for Girls than anywhere else in the Midwest. Even on this cold March day my soul is warmed by familiar Agawak songs, which linger in my mind all year long.  I’m overly anxious...
Mar 25, 2014
Whether it is 364, 143, or 8 days, you know EXACTLY how many days are between you and catching that first glimpse of the Agawak welcome sign. You know exactly how many days until you get to race out onto our soft sandy beach and jump into Blue Lake. You know exactly how many days until you will be...
Feb 25, 2014
Today we are all too connected.  I witness this everyday in my own children and even myself. We all use the internet in one way or another.  We turn to emails, social media and chat messaging for daily communication. With 3G and wireless technology, we can connect even when we are on the...
Jan 31, 2014
Hello campers and staff! We hope you are all doing well and staying warm during this freezing Winter! I know that I would much rather be having a waterfront day on Blue Lake than being stuck home with all of this snow! There have been some exciting updates since our last Agazine and Blog and we...
Dec 17, 2013
Hello from your happy assistant director, Stephanie Becker Tasman! It is hard to believe that 2013 is now coming to a close and we are about to begin 2014! I wanted to take a minute to reflect on the incredible 2013 camping year. For some of you, this was your first summer away from home for an...
Nov 11, 2013
We have exciting news from Agawak and Maryland.  I am thrilled to let everyone know Iris Krasnow, former Agawak camper 1963-1973, former Blue Team captain, well known author, professor of journalism and women’s studies at American University in Washington and mother of four boys is...
Oct 17, 2013
Hi Everyone, it’s Stephanie “Becker” Tasman, your happy Asst. Director.  It is hard to believe it is officially fall and we are already in the month of October!  By now, you have all settled back into the routines of school and all of your different activities. While it...
Sep 04, 2013
Ninety-three Agawak summers have passed-by leaving thousands of happy campers with hundreds of cherished memories to carry them into their adult life.  After the buses pulled out of camp, an older generation of Agawak campers joined us for an alumnae reunion.  Campers from as far back as...
Aug 10, 2013
Staff Closing Song 2013 Days go by when we’re at camp Weeks fly The summer has past Where did it go Wish it would last Flew fast Colors we will bleed true In our hearts We’ll forever be on white or blue And now It’s time to leave this place It’s not goodbye It’s see...
Aug 07, 2013
The past two days have come and gone like an hour. Camp is over in the blink of an eye. Where did our summer go?  Watching closing Blue & White ceremonies was emotional for all. Both teams’ performances were exceptionally spirited, creative and touching.  Every year I am...
Aug 05, 2013
Yesterday, It was our last Sunday morning lazy pancake breakfast for all. However, only a handful of younger campers were up enjoying pancakes filled with chocolate chips is my guess?  My older campers took  advantage of the one morning they get to rest undisturbed by the silver bell....
Dec 19, 2012
Happy Holidays to every Blue & White camper past, present and future. I hope this newsletter finds each of you healthy, smiling and enjoying the holiday season.  As I look out my camp window a dusting of snow blankets the ground and a thin layer of ice covers Blue Lake. We are busy with a...
Nov 06, 2012
Dia, This was lovely. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Love, Mary   My English assignment for tonight was to read Barbara Kingsolver's "Knowing Our Place" and annotate for ideas of "who we seem to be," "what remains for us to live for" and what...
Nov 01, 2012
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween! Wish it was June 30th at camp. We’d be riding the camp fire truck, decorating Halloween cookies, playing Conk the Crow, screaming in the Agawak haunted house and dunking our lovely CIT’s.  It’s hard to believe November is upon...
Sep 27, 2012
It’s an exciting day in Agawak history.  Our virtual tour was successfully launched this morning. Campers, alumni, parents, prospective campers and their families can now visit our website and click on the virtual icon to get an insider’s view of the camp grounds. Please take the...
Sep 11, 2012
It’s only September but staff contracts are in the mail. Were you aware we had 4 counselors sign their contracts for next summer before leaving camp this summer?  Claire, Kobe, Bronwyn, and Sally will be “Livin’the dream” in 2013! Registrations are coming in daily and...
Aug 28, 2012
The waterfront is being dismantled; squirrels are busy gathering their “nest egg” of acorns and fond memories of another summer gone by lingers in my heart. It’s true every summer on Blue Lake is special but this summer was magical. The weather was magical, the staff was magical...
Aug 19, 2012
MP here.  It’s 7am Sunday morning, and camp is eerily quiet.  I just turned on my coffee maker.  Other than Ducky and Timmy asleep in their cabins, camp is empty.  Post Camp ended Friday morning, and the rest of our staff left Saturday.  Suzi and I leave today. ...
Aug 10, 2012
Two good night sleeps have me back in the saddle again. We have switched gears and are now preparing for our post camp families to arrive late this afternoon.  The remaining counselors (all 15 of them) have been busy cleaning cabins and sprucing up program areas. Crisp mornings and cool...
Aug 08, 2012
 There were tears flowing around the campfire last night as we said our final goodbyes.  Emotional key-logs were read around the fire.  The sound of crying, as our wish boats entered the water, could be heard across the lake. The following is what I shared with everyone at campfire...
Aug 06, 2012
On Sunday morning there were plenty of sleepy heads around camp (including the staff). Our annual Blue & White Treasure Hunt went well into the early morning hours, 4:08 am to be exact.  We slept in late to catch up on some much needed sleep and everyone strolled into lunch hungry for...
Aug 05, 2012
Both teams were neck and neck around 12:10am working on Clue #14. The clue was a white cheese shaped small house. The Blue Team asked to go across the lake to the old Swiss Village where clue #15, a dead fish placed in a bucket of ice, was waiting for them.  Meanwhile…..back at camp the...
Aug 04, 2012
Both teams got clue #1 fairly quickly, then they spent a lot of time on clue 2 and both decided at the same time to take a penalty for it. White was able to get the clue quickly after the hint was given 7:50pm- Blue is still on clue 2 still after penalty clue was given. The White Team is on clue 3...
Aug 04, 2012
The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind. Daily I have to remind myself what day it is.  Maybe I’m biased, but I think I have the happiest camp in the world despite having two confirmed cases of the whooping cough. Most of the results have been coming back negative but we did get another...
Aug 02, 2012
...A Silver Lining Good evening everybody! MP here, and I hope this blog finds everybody in good spirits, because in spite of all that’s been going on here, this camp is!  Just yesterday, Mary addressed both the campers and staff and talked about how life doesn’t change just...
Aug 01, 2012
Dear Agawak Parents, We have done our very best to ward off the whooping cough all summer long.  Up until today (6:35pm to be exact) we were whooping cough free. Although we have taken many campers into the clinic over the summer due to cold like symptoms, none have returned to camp with a...
Aug 01, 2012
This morning our final four teams met in the upper athletic field after breakfast to present their teams banner, skit, song and cheer.  The following four college teams will compete for the final 4 trophy: MIT, Xavier, Villanova and Auburn.  Competition was tough as every team prepared a...
Aug 01, 2012
Hey everybody, it’s the CIT’s. We are in the middle of planning Blue and White Closings and the start of Final Four but, we thought we would take a break to let you know what has been going on at camp. Since camp has been extremely busy lately, the office allowed us to sleep in till 9....
Aug 01, 2012
As sad as it is, camp is almost over.  Please keep this in mind when mailing out your next letter.  Our suggestion is that Friday be your last mailing day.  It is a HUGE job to forward/return mail delivered to camp after the season is done.  Thank you for your help. The Ever...
Jul 30, 2012
The weather up north continues to be humid, muggy and hot.  During first session we had several cases of swimmers itch which I wrote about in one of my blog’s closer to parent’s weekend. Since then we have experienced a decrease in swimmer's itch until late this morning when...
Jul 30, 2012
Last Thursday eight brave campers, two counselors and tripping staff member, Margret Duffy, took a trip to the Porcupine Mountains state park in Michigan. They ate lunch at the visitor’s center and hiked in to their campsite on the South end of the park. The girls huddled near the campfire as...
Jul 28, 2012
Hi parents! It’s Jen and Jamie writing again! We just wanted to fill you in on all of the fun blue and white games that have taken place over the past two days, as well as other exciting things that have gone on at camp.  On Friday night, we played the camp favorite “Capture the...
Jul 27, 2012
We need another 12 hours in our day to get everything we want accomplished.  My head is spinning as it does every summer heading into the last weeks of camp.  There are so many wonderful things happening here ….too many to mention in my short blog. I truly feel guilty when I...
Jul 25, 2012
Last night, the Blue Team burned through their rope first during our evening program” To the Top”.  As usual, White was ahead when the war canoes headed back toward the shores of Agawak. It was during the scavenger hunt that Blue took a tiny lead but it was during the mystery...
Jul 23, 2012
Today the CIT’s just returned from a great trip in the Boundary Water Canoe Area that was four days and three nights long.  They had awesome weather for the whole trip and enjoyed the food most of all: the pita and humus along with the Oreo cheesecake.  During the trip one group had...
Jul 21, 2012
  Camp is quieting down after a busy day today.  After a full week of activities and fun evening programs, our second session is rolling right along.  Hard to believe that tomorrow will be our first Lazy Sunday of the session and that our new campers have been here a whole week...
Jul 20, 2012
Yesterday we were in full activities with the sun shining all around us. Samantha Himel had the BIGGEST smile on her face when I saw her after she had gotten up on the boom yesterday for the very first time. She told me she couldn’t wait for Friday to come so she could try and ski on the long...
Jul 18, 2012
Early this morning we said goodbye to our lovely CIT’s.  We called out their names and they ran down the path from the cookout area to the maintenance garage slapping high fives to everyone as they passed by. They loaded their packs onto the bus and headed north. We will miss this lively...
Jul 17, 2012
Our day started out with warm sunny skies as we sang our camper of the day cheer to Olivia Glantz.  First year counselor, Emily Cohen, from Michigan was honored as counselor of the day in cabin 14.  It’s always nice to get a hug from ones cabin group whether your camper of the day...
Jul 17, 2012
Wow!  What a way to get the 2nd session started!  Today was hot hot hot!  And a little windy to boot… As the day began, we here at Camp Agawak didn’t waste any time moving ahead into our 2nd half of the summer.  Yesterday we finished all our red tape, had our 1st...
Jul 14, 2012
Another parent’s day has come and gone. It’s like a whirlwind. All of us here love to show off our beautiful camp.  The tsunami of joy was running deep here. The rain held off and sprinkled us a bit just as we were finishing up with our delicious cookout. We have a few too many...
Jul 13, 2012
Our first session campers are almost home feeling the carpet under their feet. Soon their sandy camp feet will be replaced with clean feet. We had a sensational first half and many tears were shed last night and this morning. Today it’s another hot, muggy day at camp. We had a cabin banner...
Jul 12, 2012
Good Evening everyone…   As I sit down in my cabin after a very long day, I am reflecting on how fast the 1st session has gone by.  I know I may say this every year, but it just keeps getting truer.  I guess age has something to do with it, and I also think that the things you...
Jul 11, 2012
Second session camper, Michelle Kaplin, recently wrote a blog in her local paper Entitled, “An All Girls Camp……Disaster or Delightful? One Girl Spills the Truth. I thought it was a very nice article and wanted to share it with the rest of our camp family. Here it is. Every...
Jul 10, 2012
This morning at 6:45am brave swimmers plunged into Blue Lake to swim the lake. It was a clear, calm morning with smooth water….. Great conditions for swimming. Camper Dia Chiamovitz and counselor Lily Cohen were the first to cross the rope followed closely behind by Jordan Abt, April Simpson...
Jul 08, 2012
It’s another bright sunny day at Agawak. We woke to clear skies and the smell of pancakes. Camper of the day Emily Small, counselor of the day Sally Drake and birthday girls of the day Carly Siegel gathered around the flagpole as me sang our morning cheers to them. Last night we had a social...
Jul 06, 2012
We have had an insanely fun and fast few days! This morning, the girls were able to sleep in after a fun night at Midnight Movie. Everyone saw the same movie this time which was Brave. We started the day by announcing our camper of the day, Emily S., counselor of the day, Alissa W., BFC of the day...
Jul 05, 2012
Despite temperatures in the mid 90’s we successful danced our way through the streets of Minocqua yesterday. Before the parade began we misted our dancers with water to cool them down. A small number of girls just weren’t able to take the heat so we played it safe and had them watch...
Jul 05, 2012
This Blog was written on July 4th, but due to problems with Charter Communications we were not able to post until today. It’s the 4th of July and everyone here is pumped up.  At flagpole this morning everyone came decked-out in their 4th of July attire.  We sang our birthday wish to...
Jul 03, 2012
Greeting from the beautiful Northwoods!   I hope this blog finds you all doing well and staying cool.  As for us, it has been HOT HOT HOT!!!  That’s ok, better than cold, rain and snow!  But even though it has been, well, quite warm, we have been blazing through the summer...
Jul 01, 2012
It’s was lazy breakfast at camp today.  Everyone enjoyed sleeping in and as always, and eating Ducky’s delicious pancakes.  We rang the bell at 10:30 and campers and staff gathered at the flagpole for another fun filled morning of clinics. Chef Cheryl invited 12 girls up to...
Jun 30, 2012
1-2-3- take a picture. It’s picture day at Camp Agawak as well as Halloween. Our camper of the day is Morgan Gurtz, the counselor of the day is Karissa Hamblet, the crazy, and yo-yo camper of the day is Avery Sherwood. During flagpole I have been selecting individual campers who go out of...
Jun 28, 2012
A week has come and gone. Campers have settled into their camp home for part of the summer. First time campers are making connections and developing new friendships and learning new skills. Adjustment from home life to camp life for new and veteran campers has gone smoothly.  The small amount...
Jun 28, 2012
Hey everyone! Its Jen and Jamie and we just took a break from Blue and White to let you all know what's been going on at camp the past day.  On Tuesday night, we played a camp favorite "Gold Rush!"  It was a close game with four different cabins within feet of the treasure,...
Jun 26, 2012
Outside my window the parade class is learning the dance for the 4th of July parade. Campers will be parading down the streets of Minocqua to the song, I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY in eight short days.  Dance instructors have designed a hip and patriotic 4th of July tank which will be worn by...
Jun 25, 2012
Best start of the camping season since 1989. We are off to an amazing beginning. The vibe here is upbeat, happy and electric.  Last night Ducky over feed us with a Thanksgiving feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli and dinner rolls. For dessert we had jello cake with a non-dairy whipped...
Jun 24, 2012
  G-O-O-D  M-O-R-N-I-N-G  GOOD MORNING, YEA YEA GOOD MORNING! Just a little ditty we sing around the flagpole some mornings… So yesterday we decided to put an Agawak twist on the Hunger Games.  We placed cabins together, had their CIT”S be each group’s Mentors...
Jun 23, 2012
Our first day of activities went as smooth as silk. Sailboats were cruising and first time skiers braved the waters of Blue Lake. Campers made banana boats in outdoor cooking and even cleaned their own dishes.  Fish were being pulled left and right from Blue Lake and a few keepers were reeled...
Jun 21, 2012
  On Thursday we woke up to clear skies and smiling faces.  The morning was spent cleaning up cabins, getting bags out and finishing up swim tests. After a delicious lunch the girls had a rest period that allowed them to write letters home. While the campers just arrived yesterday, they...
Jun 21, 2012
Wednesday, at dinner time (6pm), the clouds rolled in and we experienced the heaviest rainfall I can recall in many summers. Thank goodness we were all assembled in the lodge eating spaghetti and singing songs. The majority of cabins have completed physicals and swim tests. The staff show...
Jun 20, 2012
Our mid-afternoon Tango song, to ward off rain, must have worked its magic! We are tubing and swimming in Blue Lake.  The sound of laughter is everywhere. I’m on cloud nine.  Cabin pictures have been taken and will be posted later tonight if our site doesn't crash again. ...
Jun 20, 2012
We are off and running!! As we sit here waiting for the buses to arrive anticipation runs deep. The buses will be arriving at 2:20pm.  Many campers have been dropped off already and are getting tours and settling into their home away from home for the summer. Our new Camp Agawak flag is...
Jun 19, 2012
Yesterday, co-counselors were announced and everyone moved into their official cabins for the remainder of the summer. The staff also ventured out to Lakeland Union High School for team building on the famous Tango Tower. They completed a ropes course, swung on the “Tarzan” swing,...
Jun 18, 2012
Happy Father’s Day to all our Agawak Dad’s.  Hope your day is going well and you’re spending the day doing something special you enjoy.  We started the day off with Ducky’s famous pancakes in the lodge, followed by our annual safety presentation given by Milwaukee...
Jun 15, 2012
 We are having a great week of staff orientation. Yesterday it rained all day but we didn’t miss a beat. Our entire day was spent with clinical child psychology, author and consultant Dr. Chris Thurber.  The topics Chris cover ranged from Bullying Prevention to Internet use, to duty...
Jun 14, 2012
Hello everybody! I hope this blog finds everybody doing and feeling well, especially because that’s how we are feeling here at our summer home.  Over the weekend, most of our International staff arrived, and our American staff began rolling in, and by Tuesday night, we were in full swing...
Jun 11, 2012
I wanted to share the following poem written by Michelle. For those of us who’ve been to Agawak we know the longing she expresses. Michelle,  thank you for sharing your beautiful poem with the rest of your camp family. At Camp Agawak Where feet sink into early morning grass, And the...
Jun 11, 2012
I’ve recently spoken with many parents who will be sending their daughters off to Agawak this summer. Nervousness and anxiety are beginning to set in, both for the parents and child. You will be glad to know this is normal and should be expected. If you haven’t been experiencing...
Jun 08, 2012
As I type this long overdue BLOG I’m sitting on the edge of my wooden camp chair. I can’t sit still. Emotions run deep this time of year. Stress runs the deepest.  Did I place everyone in the best cabin group possible?  Will all the staff flights go smoothly? Will we be able...
Jun 08, 2012
As I wake up this morning, I immediately began thinking of the past 24 hours.  Things here seem to be moving at a break neck speed.  Yesterday, Timmy and I put the final touches on setting up the cabins that our International Staff will be staying in.  During pre-camp, all our staff...
May 22, 2012
For the first time in Agawak history, we will have a 26' hand made teepee erected on the land across Streeter Road. Our new teepee will be able to accommodate 18 campers.  My vision is for several cabins in each age division to be able to spend a night or two enjoying nature and bonding as...
Apr 20, 2012
Can you believe it is already approaching the end of April? In just about 7 weeks, our Staff will begin to roll into camp from all around the world.  This summer our staff and campers will represent the following countries; Mexico, Czech Republic, England, New Zealand, Australia, China, France...
Mar 22, 2012
Blue Lake has awakened from its deep winter sleep.  The warmer weather has me “fired up” for another amazing summer ahead. I feel like a child every spring when the ice leaves Blue Lake and I’m able to see moving water for the first time.  I’m filled with extra...
Jan 19, 2012
Hey everyone! I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.  I hope you all are doing well as we fly into 2012.  Everyone in Boise is doing great, which I will fill you in on presently, but as the new year came, I started thinking more and more about the upcoming summer of 2012, so I...
Jan 03, 2012
Those of us who have spent time in the camp environment understand, intuitively, the role of the camp experience in the education of a child. Camp, as an activity for children, has graced the American landscape for 150 years. Agawak has been there for 90 of those 150 years giving young girls the...
Oct 24, 2011
Have you been connecting with camp friends you formed this summer?  A big part of camp is forming relationships with people and being a quality friend to others.  I hope you email or call your camp friends and stay in touch over the winter.  I will be connecting with some of our...
Sep 13, 2011
On that final day of camp each August I have yet to watch the campers leave without shedding tears.  Saying goodbye this summer was especially hard. I’ve poured over the photographs and lament the end of another summer at camp. Together we’ve embraced the importance of spending a...
Aug 12, 2011
Is anyone camp sick? That seems to be the consensus around here. Our post camp families have taken over the premises. We miss all our campers and hope the adjustment back to city life is going smoothly. The last campfire to end our season was emotional. Tears fell in abundance and hugs were flowing...
Aug 09, 2011
In the last 78 hours we recovered from the longest treasure hunt in Agawak history, shared a very special day with our Agawak alumni, witnessed one of the strongest closing ceremonies in Agawak history and participated in a memorable awards night. Alumni Day was a huge success.   I found...
Aug 08, 2011
Saturday night’s treasure hunt program is an extremely popular activity at camp and the most exhilarating program we have at camp. Treasure hunt is the final blue and white game of each summer and demands each team to work together to solve a set of clues and find a final treasure. Each clue...
Aug 06, 2011
The CIT’s of Agawak and Kawaga put on an amusing variety show for us last night in Happy Camper Hall which eventually turned into a dance celebration.  Afterwards, campers headed back to their cabins while cabins BW and 11 enjoyed s’mores at my fire pit. We talked and shared...
Aug 04, 2011
Our schedule is jammed packed. There simply are not enough hours in the day to get everything we want to accomplish by Wednesday morning.  Tuesday evening we had a social with our Rhinelander friends, Camp Horseshoe.  Our campers and staff always have good fun with the spirited Horseshoe...
Aug 02, 2011
Last night we had a relaxing evening around the campfire.  Camper Campfire Girls (Macy Shutan, Lauren Schneiderman, Chloe Weiss) and counselor campfire girls ( Allison Grosky, Dani Sutker) reflected upon their camp experiences which brought tears and laughter to our faces. By far, Dani Sutker...
Jul 31, 2011
Today Agawak got off to a Lazy-Sunday start! Some decided to sleep all the way until the bell at 10:30 while others were up bright and early in line for pancakes-to-order. Josie Lowell enjoyed her big stack of chocolate chippers! A morning movie in Happy Camper Hall was also an option for early...
Jul 30, 2011
All the final four festivities continued today as we had our annual Gonzo Relay. Gonzo Relay is what most of our campers look forward to at camp. Gonzo is a huge relay race that involves each and every camper to participate in their own task and run to the next member of their team. It’s so...
Jul 29, 2011
This morning is picture day! We are a sea of campers dressed in blue. The task of assembling a camp our size, according to height, requires lots of good listening and patience. They moan and groan a bit, but then I remind them they will be thankful to see their picture lining the lodge walls when...
Jul 26, 2011
I know we say it often but it was another beautiful day at camp. The weather this summer has been perfect allowing us to fully take advantage of activities, programming, and the last two weeks of camp. Campers got to enjoy another day of full activities as well as a final four opening ceremony...
Jul 25, 2011
Last night we brought the Food Network to Agawak. For the first time in Agawak history we lead the Blue and White competition to a food challenge. Each team was divided into ten groups and given about 15 cupcakes. Once we distributed the cupcakes the leaders of each group (the PAs) were given took...
Jul 22, 2011
We are safe and sound here and Agawak. The last 48 hours have been filled with a mix of emotions due to a tragic incident at Greenwoods Camp for Boys. Many of you are already aware that a 15 year old boy drowned during an organized evening swim.  My heart sank when I heard the news. I am...
Jul 21, 2011
Blue and White 2nd Session Update: Well parents it’s second session which means it’s Blue and White crunch time. The intensity and love for Blue and White grows with each game we play and it’s no different this session. Each session we kick off the blue and white games with Tug o...
Jul 20, 2011
Days turn into weeks here at camp. When I find myself wishing time would slow down the faster it moves. Our second session is off to a brilliant start. Monday morning we spent running around signing up for activities. We ended the morning with a mighty Blue and White tug-o-war which was rained out...
Jul 17, 2011
Full season campers were dropped off this morning after a 24 hour hiatus from camp life. Everyone said their goodbyes quickly although goodbyes are never easy.  Campers were happy to be back at camp. It’s their happy place.  It’s my happy place too. The buses took off on time...
Jul 16, 2011
What a wonderful Parent’s Day it was.  A long line of vehicles waited for the gates to open at 9am as campers waited unwearyingly on the tennis courts for their parents to appear. Hugs and kisses were pouring out from every direction as campers were reunited with their families. Parent...
Jul 14, 2011
This morning we woke up the camp around 8:30 for our last official day of first session activities. The camp chanted all throughout breakfast “We don’t want to go home” and we truly don’t want our camp family to part tomorrow. We had a very special birthday girl Jami Bloch...
Jul 13, 2011
Yesterday afternoon we had a fun rest period down at campfire listening to the Empty Pockets Band from Chicago. Former camper Erika Holleb called me last week to tell me she was in the area with her band. We both brainstormed and decided the campers would love a mini rock concert down by the lake...
Jul 11, 2011
Today camp was up bright and early as a handful of brave campers began the journey of “swim the lake” at 7am this morning. When swimmers accomplished this goal, they were greeted on shore with cheering counselors and mugs of hot chocolate. The rest of the camp woke up at 8am eager to...
Jul 09, 2011
We began today with three special birthday girls! Sarah Robinowitz, Gracie Halperin, and Jenna Just all got to experience a full speed ahead birthday at Agawak! Each of them had giant smiles on their face as they received a birthday moose and the camp sung our annual “hip-hip hooray you...
Jul 08, 2011
Camp is getting better with each passing day although it’s hard to believe camp could get any better.  As we get closer to Parent’s Day campers going home realize they have made a connection to a place that will always welcome them with open arms. They begin to realize they will be...
Jul 06, 2011
Another clear sunny day greeted us this morning. We all joined together to sing “Hip Hip Hooray” to the camper of the day (Sydney Lowell) and counselor of the day (Anita Racz). Our birthday girls Shelby Kroncke and Skylar Prizant hugged their birthday moose simultaneously as they smiled...
Jul 05, 2011
What an amazing and spirited last 24 hours it has been up north! The parade yesterday was absolutely amazing. I know we may be biased but the small town of Minocqua always seems to cheer and smile the loudest when our girls dance. The parade song this year was “Proud Mary” by Glee and...
Jul 04, 2011
Happy 4th of July to everyone! The past few days have been hot and today we celebrate America’s Birthday with temperatures in the high 80’s. Campers and counselors are decked out in red, white and blue from head to toe. This morning we sang happy birthday to Suzi Haberman and cheered...
Jul 02, 2011
It’s another stellar day at Agawak.  Temperatures are hovering around 84 degrees with a light breeze off the lake.  Midnight Movie was super fun and we slept late. This morning campers selected the following activitiesto participate in:  boot camp, biking, water aerobics,...
Jul 01, 2011
Our Halloween bash was heaps of fun. When campers personally go out of their way to thank me for how much fun they had, I know it was a fun event.  We had creative costumes, funny costumes, scary costumes and many originals. Candy was flowing freely as campers tried to win candy at the many...
Jun 29, 2011
We have another beautiful, sun-shining day. Today's counselor of the day is Artemis. Artemis is a counselor who is always willing to take initiative, has a kind heart and always has the campers' interest before her own. We are lucky to have her as one of our staff members. Camper of the day...
Jun 28, 2011
The weather is cloudy this morning but we are in full swing on Blue Lake.  Our star sailors in first period (Sami Marcus, Jessie Cohen, Samatha Sinder and Jenna Chapman) did a super job maneuvering their boats in the wind this morning.  Camp purchased two new sailing boats this spring...
Jun 27, 2011
Saturday night we had a wonderful social with neighboring Camp Kawaga. Earlier that day we had a sing off contest organized by each cabin. Each cabin was instructed to come up with a song to share with the entire camp. They had to incorporate Agawak into their song and create the best Agawak song...
Jun 25, 2011
Our Tongo rain song must have worked some magic. Standing around flagpole with everyone on a bright and sunny day is my kind of morning.  We wasted no time singing to counselor of the day (Alexa Boorstein) and camper of the day (Courtney Zessar).  Campers and counselors quickly gathered...
Jun 23, 2011
Outside my office window bright and early was Ava S. (from cabin 2) eager to ring the breakfast bell.  When I told her she could ring the bell she couldn’t stop jumped up and down. The entire camp quickly headed up to flagpole to announce camper of the day (Emma P.) and counselor of the...
Jun 22, 2011
We’re back together again and it feels great.  The buses rolled into camp around 3pm after a late start getting everyone to the bus stop.  Poor weather and power outages in Chicago were the culprits.  Everyone here at camp anxiously awaited the camper’s arrival. When the...
Jun 21, 2011
Good Morning Everyone, Well, well, well, we are close!!!  I got up early this morning and went down to the office to see our staff off to Chicago.  They are excited to see both new and returning campers at the buses!  One last night alone in camp.  Mary and the office staff...
Jun 16, 2011
Camp bells rang at 8 this morning then we quickly headed to flagpole. Silver dollar Pancakes, granola, yogurt and fruit lined the buffet table. It was the fastest breakfast on record as half the staff headed quickly out the lodge and headed to the high school to take on the Tango Ropes Tower....
Jun 15, 2011
Good evening everyone! It’s late Tuesday night, and I’m happy to report that all our (or most all) staff arrived safely and are spreading their smiles all over camp. To refresh, our first time staff members and our international staff arrived Sunday night. We do this in order to get...
Jun 14, 2011
We’re off to a wonderful precamp start.  The hugs are over-flowing. I’m in the office trying to type this entry however; I can’t even hear myself think.  Camp is LOUD, alive and happy. The sound of crickets are now drowned out by counselor voices in the night air. ...
Jun 12, 2011
Good Evening All… Well it’s been quite busy here the last few days.  It’s after 11 tonight, and I just got back to my cabin after welcoming in our international staff.  During the day, many of our first year American staff began arriving, and late Friday night Ducky...
Jun 10, 2011
Hey Everyone! Hope you are all well and happy. Suzi and I just made it up to camp…last night. I have so much to tell you. It’s Friday morning and we are unpacking and cleaning. We woke to the sound of rain pitter-pattering on the roof. I love that sound!!! So let me fill you in on...
May 16, 2011
In the summer time when the weather is hot I’m sure I’ll forget about the clump of snow I passed by as I was walking the property yesterday afternoon.  It’s the middle of May and there are remnants of snow still here.  Our spring has been cool with little sunshine but we...
Apr 04, 2011
 Last spring at this time we were lucky enough to have boats in the water.  This spring we’re not so lucky. As I write snow is falling and Blue Lake is frozen tight.  This may halt the physical preparations of getting camp ready but it won’t halt the anticipated...
Feb 15, 2011
The new Agawak brochure which was completed this past fall is now available on our web site.  For those of you who haven’t seen it, especially alumni and returning campers, you’ll want to take a quick glance at it. I tried to get as many campers in pictures as possible. Hope you...
Jan 12, 2011
Happy 2011! May the camp season ahead be filled with happy times, good health and the sound of Blue and White cheers. Camp looks like a winter wonderland right now but in a few months we’ll be bouncing on the trampolines and tubing Blue Lake again. In mid November, I traveled to Indiana to...
Jan 01, 2011
Yesterday the spirit at camp could be heard from miles away. The “Amazing Race” was in full action. Taken after the reality TV show, each cabin was assigned to a specific location in camp. The bell rang and the cabins were told to complete a task. After the task was complete, the...